Summing Up Report Columns
Okay, now we will see how to sum up amount columns.
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Come here, see this report here, same report where the amount column is not totaled up. If you want this amount column, just select it, press this button here, display sum.
See, it is summed up. This is the total and this is the total of the account level, and this is the total of the report level. If you have more than one customer, this will be the report total.
Nice, sounds good. Let’s say you want to create a subtotal by, we don’t have good values here to explain about the subtotal. Let me just select more than one customer range. I’m going to select all the customer range.
Okay. Now, we have both the customers here, so what I’m going to do is that I’m going to subtotal by the date. That means I want to see the total of all the document values belonging to document date 12th of April. So currently, you have to do sum up manually, right? There is an automatic way. You just highlight here, this field, and choose this subtotal field. So, you are going to subtotal by the document date.
This is how it looks like. You can see the subtotal for the 12th of April. This is the subtotal. On the 18th of April, there is a subtotal. The yellow rows are the subtotal. See, this plus this is 1000. This is the total for 18th of April, and accordingly, for the 23rd of April. This is the purpose of subtotal.