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Sorting Reports

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Sorting Reports

Now we’ll see one more topic in the reports, which is sorting reports.

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Let me go to sorting reports. Okay, this is the report I’m going to use. Alright, you execute, you get this report format. Now, bear in mind that not all the SAP reports are in this format. If you see this range of buttons here, this is called ALV report. ALV stands for ALV report. Okay. This stands for Abap List viewer. Okay. If you see a range of toolbars here, this is called Abap List Viewer. This is the most user-friendly and useful report format that SAP has, but not all the reports in SAP are in this format. That is very unfortunate. 



For example, let me show you one report, which is not in this format. Okay. Let me show you this report here. Totals and balances, and I choose Sun for the company code, and I run. You see, I can’t see the range of toolbars, so it is not an ALV report. This is an ALB report and this is a normal report. You can also see non ALV report.




Okay. Let me go to the ALV report now. This is the ALV report. I’m going to show you how we can sort reports in the ALV report. Let’s say you want to sort by date, document date. Just select the document date, and you see these two buttons here, this is to sort in ascending order. This is to sort in descending order. So I choose the first one, see, it is sorted in ascending order. If I choose it again and then choose this, descending order. It’s sorted in descending order. 



Similarly, you can sort by more than one field. Let me show you. See, it is sorted by more than one fields. Alright, this is how you sort. It is as simple as that.



Let’s say I want to sort by amount, ascending and descending. There is one more. If I don’t select the field and press the sort button, I will get a window like this where I can pull in a lot of fields so it is sort. The document data is found. This is a sort order. I want to sort by the amount first, then by the document date.



I can also define that the document need to be sorted in the descending order. See, it is sorted accordingly. It’s as simple as that.


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