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Sales of Assets

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Sales of Assets

Next, after asset sale with customer, we’ll see asset sale without customer. So here we’ll use a transaction code called AB0AN. So here asset sale without customer, we’ll have to specify the details like company code for which the asset disposal transaction is been posted.

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Then we have to maintain the asset value date and click on the simulate option. So here before that, we’ll select the radio button called revenue from NBV and we’ll put the value as 01 and we’ll click on the save button.

So here the entry that will be posted is displayed by the system. This is how we maintain the detail for asset sale without customer. So after that it will give us a document header info for assets sale without customer, here it will display the line items which are created for that particular document and the header details for that. So after that, once we click on the save button and we’ll click on simulate option and save, it will generate the asset transaction message.

That is asset transaction posted with document number along with the company code number. So this is how we maintain the asset sale without customer.

After that, we’ll get a display view for that particular document.

So this is the general ledger view for that document with that particular document number.

Now we can also view this particular asset with the transaction code AW01N. Here it will show the retirement entries.

So here this is the asset explorer view. Here it is giving the details for that particular depreciation area along with the retirement entries. So this is a retirement entry for that particular depreciation area.


Next, we’ll see what are sale of assets. Now, it is similar to creation of the assets, which we have seen earlier. Only we have to place the cursor on the gain and loss item and we’ll click on the additional account assignment tab. So here we’ll have to maintain the cost center and then we’ll save that transaction. And in the display view for AW01N, we can now see the disposal entries along with the depreciation areas. So this was sales of assets creation.


Next, we’ll see what is assets scrapping. Here we’ll use a transaction code called ABAVN. So here similar process is followed for asset scraping, wherein transaction code ABAVN needs to be used.

So here also we’ll maintain the determined details like document date, the posting date and a text for that particular asset, that is scrapping for assets. After maintaining these details, we’ll click on the simulate option and check the entries if they are okay or not.

And once the entries are proper, we’ll click on the save button.


After asset scrapping, we’ll do asset transfer. So here we’ll use a transaction code, ABUMN. So here this is the SAP menu path for asset transfer, that is transfer within a company code.

After that we’ll go to a screen where we have to maintain the details, like asset class and master data details.

After maintaining these details, we’ll click on the additional data button. At the bottom of the screen is the additional data button, which we’ll click. So after clicking on the additional data button, we’ll get a screen  where we’ll maintain the details for that additional data. After that we go back and we’ll get a display message where we have the message for 2 line items, that is line item 1 and line item 2. So after that, we’ll click on the save button.

Then we’ll click on the simulate option where we can get the display data interview or general view. This is the general ledger view for this line items.

So this is the process of asset scrapping and asset transfer. Now next we’ll see asset re-evaluation.


Here the transaction code is ABAW. This is the SAP menu path for asset revaluation.

Here we’ll have to provide the asset number, which we want to revaluate and provide the dates and transaction type as R90.

So after maintaining this we’ll press enter. So once we press enter we’ll get a next screen where we have to maintain the posting validating amount to be posted.

Then we’ll click on the save button. So once we click on the save button, it will generate a message stating that asset transaction was posted with a document number. So this is how we get the asset revaluation.

Then for updating in FI, that is in finance, we’ll go to the transaction code AFAB that is depreciation posting run. Here we’ll provide the company code and the fiscal year and we’ll select the reason as planned posting run and we’ll execute this particular screening background.

After that, we’ll get a screen  where we’ll have the data interview for that particular document, where we can check the entries for those documents.

Next and last, we’ll see impairment of asset, we’ll see if there is any gap between those assets. So here we use the transaction code ABAA. This is the SAP menu path for impairment of assets.

So here we’ll click ABAA, that is unplanned depreciation. Here we’ll use transaction type as 650, that is unplanned depreciation on prior year acquisition that is for current year acquisition and 650 for previous year acquisition.

So here we’ll provide the asset number, which we want to re-evaluate and put the document date and posting date and the transaction time. After this we’ll press the enter button.

So here we’ll maintain the amount to be posted and the amount valuation date. Then we’ll provide the depreciation value and show number 1 will save in the system. Then the system will post this document in the asset accounting. Here after that we’ll get a message stating that asset transaction was posted with AA, document number is 18. So this is how we post the asset accounting.


So if we need to update that in the FI, we’ll go to transaction code AFAB. Here we’ll get a test run and a document header info, if this needs to be updated in the FI.

So this is how we maintain the settings in the transaction code AFAB. Now here we come to an end of this particular session that was on fixed assets.


Here we’ll see what we have learned and will summarize what we have captured for this particular fixed assets. So first, we have seen how to create a material master using a transaction code called MM01. Then we have seen vendor master creation and some extension on vendor master using transaction code XK01. Then we have seen how to create an internal order using transaction code KO01. Then we have seen what is budgeting and what to do on budgeting internal order using transaction code K022.


We have seen creation of purchase order and how to release a purchase order using transaction code ME21N and ME29N. Then after purchase order creation, we can create a goods receipt using a transaction code MIGO. Then we have seen invoice verification using transaction code MIRO, how to do settlement of an internal order using transaction code K088, and asset master creation using transaction code AS01. Then settlement on that particular created asset using transaction code K02, how to create final settlement for the main asset using transaction code K088, what is depreciation run using transaction code AFAB, and we can view those depreciation areas, which we have created using transaction code AWO1N  Then we have seen asset sale with customer and asset sale without customer.


We have also seen what are sales of assets. Then after that we have seen asset scrapping, asset transfer and asset re-evaluation. And last we have seen impairment of assets, that is if there are any mistakes in creation of assets we can correct that. So this is the impairment of asset using transaction code ABAA. So these are the topics which we have covered under fixed assets session.