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Reset and Reversal of Documents

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Reset and Reversal of Documents

Hello, everyone. In our today’s session, we’ll learn about reversals techniques and editing documents in SAP Finance. Now before moving ahead with this session, let us summarize what we have learned from our previous session, which was on sales and distribution. We have seen the process of sales and distribution. Under that, we have seen how to do a master data comparison with the finance accounting documents, where we have seen how to provide the missing reconciliation account fields related to the master data comparison. Then we have seen how to display a sale order and how to display the billing document. Further to that, we have also learned about how to create an excise invoice with respect to a billing document. And last, we have seen about customer analysis, where we have seen how to display the records related to the customer based on the payment details, account items, open items, special general ledger details, etc. So these were the topics which we have covered under sales and distribution.

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Now under this reversals and editing documents session, we’ll cover reset and reversal of documents using transaction code FBRA and we’ll see how to transfer posting with clearing using transaction code F-04. Now let us see the first part, that is, how to reset and do the reversal of the documents. So here we’ll use the transaction code FBRA.

So here in case if a document cannot be reversed through FB08 transaction code because of clearing reasons, it can be reset and optionally reversed through FBRA. The original document then gets an open status. So here we can use an FBRA transaction code if the document cannot be reversed through FB08 transaction code because of some clearing reasons. Now here FBRA is available in general ledger, then accounts receivable and accounts payable sections. So these are the menu path through which we can use those transaction code. So we can choose any of the transaction code, that is the menu SAP menu path for doing the reversal and the reset of a document. So transaction code is FBRA, and these are the 3 different SAP menu paths available.

So this is the screen for resetting the cleared items Here we’ll give the clearing document number, then the company code and the fiscal year for that And after that we’ll get a screen Then we’ll have to check the clearing reset cleared items button. So after that, we’ll get a screen where it will ask for resetting, that is the reversal of that clearing document. Now here we’ll have 2 options. Either we can click on only clearing tab, so that it will not reverse the document, but only open the document for rematching, and if we click on resetting and reverse option, then the matched document will be opened and also get reversed. So we have to again enter a new document or match with other documents. So here we can select any of the options, which we want. So here we’ll select only resetting option. Now after maintaining that clearing document for resetting that and clicking on the resetting option, we’ll get a message stating that, that particular document number is cleared, that is, a clearing document number is reset. So this is how we reset a item, that is an open item.

Now here, in case of clearing document related to withholding tax, we’ll get a following message. Now if we have to clear a document which has some tax related stuffs in those documents, then we’ll get another message stating that payment was posted with withholding tax clearing document will be reversed. 

But it is stating a message for withholding tax. So if we say, yes, do you want to continue? And we click on yes. Then it will give a window  where we have to provide a reversal reason for that particular document. And then that document will be reset. So this is how we do the resetting of the document based on with or without withholding tax.

Transfer Posting with Clearing (F-04)

Now after resetting or doing the reversal of the documents using transaction code FBRA. Last, we’ll see how to transfer the posting with clearing. Here, we’ll use the transaction code F04. So transfer posting can normally be done during bank reconciliation for transferring the balance from clearing account to the main account. Now in the initial line, we’ll enter the account where the amount needs to be transferred. And we’ll choose the options available on the screen. So transfer posting can be done during bank reconciliation. So here we can transfer the balance from the clearing account to the main account. So here, we have used the transaction code called F04. Now, if in order we need to transfer some amount to the bank, so we’ll do in this fashion. So here in this screen, we’ll have to maintain the amount that is to be transferred.

So here, we’ll click the radio button as transfer posting with clearing. Now here, we have to provide the company code name and the currency rate and the fiscal year. So after this, we’ll click on choose open items. Now once we click on that, we’ll get a screen where we have to enter the vendor item details.

So here we’ll enter the line item details for this particular vendor. After maintaining these details, it will generate a message stating that supplier advance exists. So this is how we maintain the details for transferring the amount from one vendor to the other vendor, that is from transferring the account details from vendors.

Now here under this screen, where we have to select the post with clearing select options, where we’ll provide the account code that needs to be cleared. So here this is the account code which needs to be cleared. And we’ll click on this enter button. Now once we click on the enter button we’ll get this particular screen where we have to clear those account details.

Now after transferring the amount we’ll clear those details. So here all the line items posted to the relevant account get displayed so, here we’ll have to double click on the same and it gets selected and it gets cleared Now here we need to check this amount entered and assigned fields. Now we need to check that the fields data should match in order to get the account details that is the documents get posted. So these two things we need to take care of. That is the value should match in both these fields. Then only the document can be posted. And we’ll  post the documents by double clicking on the line items. And it gets selected and gets cleared. So this is how we post the documents. That is we clear those document entries. After that, once it is done, we’ll click on simulate button. So once we click on the simulate button, we’ll get this screen where we can check the entries for the line items we have entered and then we can post these same entries.

So after that we’ll get a message stating that the document number has been posted for this company code. So this is how we maintain the settings for transferring the data and clearing the entries.


Here we come to an end of this session which was on reversals and editing documents. Let us summarize what we have learned and explored from this session. We have learned about how to do the reset and reversal of documents using transaction code FBRA, that is we have learned the reversal techniques of documents. Then we have seen how to transfer the postings with clearing using transaction code F-04. So, here we have seen how to transfer the amount from bank to the vendors and then how to transfer the posting with clearing, that is, how to clear the line items, which we have posted using transaction code F-04. So these were the topics which we have learned and covered under reversals and editing document session.