Released Block Invoices (MRBR)
After invoice verification and reversal of those invoice verification, last we’ll see how to release if an invoice is blocked. So here we’ll use a transaction code called MRBR. So here, let us see what is the purpose of releasing these blocked invoices. Before you can pay a blocked invoice, you must release it in a separate step. You can do so by cancelling the blocking indicator that was set when the invoice was posted. Now since the total invoice amount is to be paid and not individual invoice items, the blocking indicator is set in the vendor line of the accounting document. As a result, all the items in an invoice can only be released at the same time. So the purpose of releasing a blocked invoice is before we pay for a blocked invoice, we must release that particular invoice. So here we can do that by cancelling the blocking indicator which is available at the invoice which is posted. So here since we calculate the total invoice amount which is to be paid to the vendors, either by calculating invoice items individually, we maintain a blocking indicator at the vendor So once we maintain that, that is once we cancel that blocking indicator, which was set when the invoice was posted, the payment which we pay to the for the blocked invoice will be done quickly for that releasing block invoices. So here, all the items in the invoice are released at the same time, and we get a payment to that particular vendor.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!So this is the purpose for releasing the blocked invoices using transaction code MRBR. Now here, when we specify, that is exactly an invoice to be paid, we agree terms of payments with the vendor. These terms of payments contain the baseline date from which your cash discount period applies. If an invoice was blocked for payment for a long time, the cash discount deadline would expire. So if we release this invoice, we can select the field move cash discount date on the initial screen of the invoice, release transaction, and retain the agreed cash discount. So here it describes how an invoice needs to be paid. So here before paying an amount for a particular invoice, we agree on some terms of payments with the vendors. So here this terms of payments contains a base line date, that is a period from which the payment should be made to the vendor based on the cash discount period applied. So here if an invoice is blocked for a payment for a long time and the deadline occurs, so here we can release this invoice, and we can select the field called move cash discount date on the initial screen of the releasing invoice transaction, and we can retain that agreed cash discount. So this is how we release an in invoice if the period for that particular payment is expired. So this is a release blocked invoice screen.
Now here, we’ll have to maintain the blocked invoice details, like company code, fiscal year, the document to be posted, purchasing group or posting date, etc. Then we’ll have to select the processing mode. It is release manually or release automatically. Then we’ll select the blocking procedures like blocked due to variances, manual payment block, and statistically blocked. These are the settings which we need to do while releasing a blocked invoice. And then we’ll click on this execute button.
Releasing Invoices
Now for releasing the invoices, we have seen the steps of how to release the invoice. Now let us see the use of releasing this invoice. Now When we release an invoice, the system reverses a blocking indicator in the accounting document for that invoice. So in the vendor line, the R in the payment field block is deleted. So we can release an invoice while processing a blocked invoice. So it is useful in some cases. Now what is the first case? First case is an invoice contains several blocking reasons. So here we have to investigate the reason for the block and resolve it. The blocking reasons are no longer valid, therefore, we can release the invoice. So initially, when we need to release an invoice, we have to investigate on the blocking reasons which we have set. Now these blocking reasons are no longer valid, so we can directly release the invoice by setting the release payment block field in the vendor line. Now while an employee is responsible for releasing an invoice in the company, the system admin can assign the appropriate authorization to that particular employee so that it can release that particular invoice. Now if you have selected the field move cash discount date, the agreed cash discount period is retained. So as we have earlier seen that we have to select a move cash discount date field since the payment period has expired. So by clicking on this particular field, the agreed cash discount period can be retained.
Let us see the procedure for this verification. So here we’ll go to choose logistics verification invoice. Then we’ll go to further processing and there we’ll get the option of releasing these invoices. So once we click on that, we’ll get this particular screen where it contains the details of the invoices which needs to be released.
So here the selection screen for releasing invoices will select our appropriate invoice and will click on this blocking reason. So here we’ll have to provide the appropriate reason for releasing this invoice. Now after that, we’ll enter the data as required. And in the processing screen area, we’ll select the field release manually button.
Now here in the blocking procedure screen area, we’ll have to select the radio buttons. Now here either of the buttons can be selected like block due to variances, manual block payment and sarcastically block As we have seen earlier the screen which we get for release block invoices, we have to select any of this radio button. If we manually set a payment block in the document header when entering the invoice and one of the invoice items contains blocking reasons, this invoice will not be displayed in the blocking procedure. So we’ll select block due to variances and these things happen. So manual block payment block instead it is displayed on the blocking procedure blocked due to variances.
Then after maintaining these reasons, we’ll click on this execute button. Then we’ll select the invoice document that we want to release. After that, we’ll click on this flag button, that is, a release invoice button after checking our entries. So once the invoices are released, we’ll click on this save button. Now once we click on this save button, we get the appropriate result for that particular released invoice. So this is a procedure which we follow for releasing the invoices. Now once the system releases the invoice we’ll get a message like number of invoices has been released. So if we have released 4 invoice, we’ll get 4 invoice released. Now if we want to release invoices that have price blocks at item level and a manual block at header level, the system outputs the message as this particular invoice is released and it still contains a manual block. So this case happens when we have price blocks, that is we have blocked at an item level and a manual block at a header level. So the item block level will be released immediately. And still if it has a manual block, it gives a message that this particular invoice still contains a manual block. So we’ll reselect that particular invoice, which contains the manual block using a manual payment block radio button. And we’ll click the radio button as release manually. So here it releases the relevant invoices manually. So this is how we release the invoices in this SAP finance. Now here we come to an end of this session, which was on purchase orders related to finance point of view.
Now here, we’ll summarize what we have learned in this session for material management integration with F1. Now first, we have seen how to create a material using a transaction code MM03. And we have displayed the details for that material. Also, here we have seen about the documents which we create related to finance. And we have done a finance settings for this particular material creation.
After that, we have seen what are goods receipts and invoice receipts for purchase orders. And we have maintained the settings for the goods receipts and invoice receipts on the basis of the finance documents. Then we have learned about invoice verification using a transaction code called MIRO. Then we have seen how to do the reversal of this created invoice verification using a transaction code m r8n. And last and final, we have learned about how to release those blocked invoices using transaction code MRBR, and also we have seen how to release the manual block by selecting the radio buttons which we get on the initial screen of MRBR. So, these are the topics which we have learned and explored under purchase orders