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Posting Recurring Entries

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Posting Recurring Entries

After booking of the recurring entries, lastly, we’ll see how to post those recurring entries.

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Here we’ll use a transaction code F.14, and the path is Accounting, Financial Accounting, General Ledger, Periodic Processing, and Recurring Entries. Then we’ll go to transaction code F.14.

Now here we’ll maintain the details like document number and period for which the recurring entries need to be generated. And we’ll provide a session name that can be entered manually for easy identification. Here, executing this transaction will generate a batch input session.

So here a batch input session gets created that needs to be further processed either in Foreground, Background, or Errors Only mode. So if this is processed in foreground mode, then each line item screen will come up and it is possible to change the values during the posting. So here we’ll provide the values as shown in the previous screen, and we’ll click on the execute button.

So after that, it will generate a message that the session SAPF120 was created, so the system will create the session. This is how we post recurring entries. So for this, we’ll go to System, Services, then Batch Input, and we’ll click on Sessions.

So this is how we post the recurring entries.

And the alternate method is by transaction code SM35. So here, we’ll select the respective session, and we’ll click on the Process button. Then the system will pop up the screen where we have to select the mode.

So here we’ll click the mode as processing foreground, And then we’ll click the radio button as Process Foreground and click on the Process button, after which we’ll get a screen where we have posted the recurring entries.

So here the system processes all these recurring entries one by one, and we have to press the enter key till the document is posted. So, your last screen will get where the line items will be displayed.

So, this is how we post the recurring entries for the particular company code and the GL account.


Now here we come to an end of this session where we have explored the transactions which are used in the SAP FICO model. Now let us summarize what we have learned from this session. We have learned about how to book and display a journal voucher using transaction code FB50 and FB03. Then we have seen how to book an accrual or a deferral document by using a transaction code FBS1. Then we have learned about the reverse of an accrual or deferral document using transaction code F81. Then we have seen individual reversal using transaction code FB08 Then we have created a sample document where we have booked a journal voucher and we have created the line items for that sample document And finally we have displayed that sample document using transaction code FDM 3. Then we have seen how to book recurring entries using transaction code FBD1. And we have seen how to post those recurring entries using transaction code F.14 or we can create that batch input session using a transaction code SM35, and we can process that in any of the modes, that is foreground mode, background mode, or display only errors mode. So these are the topics which we have covered under this session of transactions in SAP FICO module.