GL Accounts (Part 2)
So, for display document. So, what are the entries that we have posted? We can see with FB03.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!There are two options. One, here we give our company code, DRLB, fiscal year, 2013.
See, I can give number here. I can look at the particular document.
And, if you want to see the line item, just double click on the line item. You can go to the line item level.
Like this, again you can come back. Or if I want to see all the documents, in such case, don’t enter any number, click on Document list. Click on document list.
And here, my document type, whatever the document type that we have entered or created is SA document.? So we’ll enter the document type SA and Execute. So, for example, even if you don’t enter SA, nothing happens. Just execute. System will ask and specify another section selection criteria. You can bluntly say, I don’t have any selection criteria, press enter. It’ll take whatever document type that is available, system will show you. See, you can see the documents here.
Any document you want, you can just double click on the document. You can see the entry.
Now, I want to make some change. In SAP, what changes can we make? Let us see. Come out. Change is FB02. Now see, we are in the change mode. Double click on the document number.
And if you want to make any change, double click on the line item. See what changes we can make. If you double click, see only these three-line items can be changed. Nothing more than this.
Yeah. You cannot change your GL account. You cannot change your company code. You cannot change the amount. You cannot change the business area. Only value date can be changed. It is not going to have an effect. Assignment number, that is whatever additional information that you have given, that can be changed. And this can be our telephone expenses night paid. So instead of that, I write Telephone expenses paid for, say, July 2013, I have changed. I can change only this much. All major fields are saved by default in SAP, for the sake of security. No major changes can be made. And what happens if you made a mistake in the amount itself? In such a case, now I cannot change anything. I have to pass a rectification entry or I have to reverse it, post the new entry. Only that can be done. How to do that? We’ll see later. We have a reversal topic.
If you’re after making the change, just save it. So, document number 4, we made a little change. Come back. And, here, display changes, FB04. See, only document number 4 is changed.
Press enter. Here, double click on change run 29th. Further double clicks.
So, all these things you can see. Field is text. What are the fields that you change? That will come here. So, in fact, that will not impact the accounting entry. This is only for the sake of secure security.. So, like this document, display, and change.
Next, I want to see my account. I want to see the ledger account. What are the because we have created so many GL accounts and we have posted the entries, I want to see GL account. In case of manual system, what we do? We create,, like T-shaped account. And, in SAP, I want to see this. Let us see. Go to account. FS10, display balances. Double click on display balances. What are the accounted entry that you want to see? Select that entry that that GL account. Account number and company code. If you take that, then system automatically picks up the company code. Select GL account and press enter.
What are the GL accounts that are there? They’ll be visible. Mhmm.. Equity share capital, preference share capital, return earnings. I want to say equity share capital. I want to see. Execute.
Account number dispatch and, appreciated capital, company code, DRLB. Business area, so and so, it is displaying like this. Display currency, INR. Debit credit balance and cumulative balance. So, this is the balance. And here, period 1, period 2, period 3, period 4, period 5, 6, 7, like this number of periods the system is showing. And that is, up to 16 periods it is showing. Now we have posted the accounting entries in period number 5. Whatever the entry that you want to see, you have to just double click on the amount.
Now if you double click, you can see the accounting entries. Entry 1, entry 2, and document number 6. All these are all we have posted. 5 lakhs, 5 lakhs, 5 lakhs. 15 lakhs total.
And, if you remember, I told you that I’ll tell you later, creation of GL account, we have created GL accounts in T-code FS00. In FS00, I told you that, see 1 lakh 1. Go to change your display mode. In control data, we have checked the line item display checkbox. Now here, if you don’t check that line item display, you can see only up to here. And if you double click system says that, sorry. I cannot show you. Line items cannot be displayed. But because we said that we want to see the line items,, you are able to double click and you can see these line items. If you check Line item display, then only you can see line items can be displayed. And that these line items should be displayed in, which way, that is date of documented date or posting date. Both will be same here because, both are same in our case. Even here, document date system is showing, posting date is not there. I want to have posting date here. Here, there is a button. It’s called layout, change layout. Layout means this is the way you are looking at the information. I want to change that layout. Here, I want to have the posting date also. So here, these are the columns which you are able to see now.
I want to say posting date. Here, see posting date is there. Select posting date, push towards your left. Then you have the posting date also. Enter. See now posting date has come. See, posting date, document date both are same. Now we told system sort key. Sorting means arrangement whether 1 to 10, 10 to 1 or A to Z, Z to A., in what way you want to arrange the line items. We’ve we told the system, sorting of the line item should be by posting date wise. So that’s why here, posting date 23/23/27. So it is posting the entries chronologically. In that way, it is showing us. The purpose of these 2 is in the GL account. And, if you double click further, it will take you to the line item.
After going to the line item, if you want to look at the total entry, I want to see both the line items. Just whenever you want to see, call up the document overview. Access bank account. Tap to equity share capital.
Next, I want to see my cash account. Cash account is bank account.
That is 2 lakhs 200405 is my cash account or bank account. Execute. See, credit, debit. See, this is in period 1.
I have shown you an example. When a period is open, I can post even in the month of April. When the period is closed, we should be able to post here only. Now debited entry yeah. In Equity share Capital, what is the amount that we have received? Debit bank account, credit Equity share Capital account. In that, Equity share Capital account, you have seen credit. Now in the bank, debit. Here in financial accounting, when you receive an amount, I’m telling you to debit it. Debit what comes in because that is accounting principle. For banker, if he has debited our account, for him that means income. Means our account is debited. His income will be credited to his account. For us, if our account is credited, we got credit. But you look at it from the accounting point of view. Because of the fundamental principle, there are 3 basic principles. Debit what comes in, credit what goes out. Debit all expenses, credit all incomes. Debit the receiver, credit the giver. Like that, some fundamental principles are there. You need to understand that.
Now when coming to the debit, what is the amount that we have received? If you double click again, on the debit column, you can see all the debit line items. Same way if you credit, if you click on that column, only credit items can be seen. Credited items means all payments.
When you make payment, it will be credited. 25, 35,. 36,800, 10000. All these. Always credit items will be represented in the form of minus figure. Debit is plus. Total payments made 1 lakh 7,000. If you want to see both debit and credit, go to the balance. Double click here. You can see now debit and credit line items. Want to see any line item again? Double click.
And, these things are sorted out in the form of a documented date. 23, 23, 27, 27. Again if you want to have a posting date or something, you can have.
So like this, you can look into any GL account, whatever you want. If you want to see any expenditure accounts again. Ice office, printing and stationery, telephone, office maintenance. Like this, you can look into any number of GL accounts. This is display document and changes. So, display of accounts, we have seen.
Next concept is Parking of a document. So, there are 2 concepts. one is parking.
So next is, I wanted to show you all the parameters, whatever we have defined. So, posting period variant, define close or open posting period, we have seen. So Field status group. OBC4 is the T-code.
Define field status variant. OBC4. See, here, what we have done, DRFS. This is our DRL group we have created. Anyway, write DRFS, doctor Reddy labs field Status group. Select this. In general, G001, we made general data text a required entry. I’m removing this now, I’m making it optional. Additional account assignments. Business area, I’m making it optional. Save it. So here, these fields will not be mandatory.
Of course, it will be available. Say, for example, if I want to post an entry, if I want to take a business area, I have to write a business area say DRHY. So, this also we have seen, number ranges system. If you want to see the doc document, particular document, T-code is OBA7. I’ll show you the documents here. And here, I want to tell you one thing. Document types are of client level. Client level, company code level. So, whatever the company code that are there in this client, all the company codes will be using the same document types. These are common facility available to all these company codes. So that’s what we call client level. Say, SA is the document. Double click on SA, 01 number range, click on Number Range Information, type company code DRLB. See? Now up to 8 documents you have posted.
System is showing current number 8. So, it is picking up the number from 1, 2, 3, 4. Like that, from here, it is picking up.
Now we are looking at the document parking and the document holding. Here, generally, one accounts officer will be there, and say, example, 3 to 4 accountants are there. Each and every accountant will be given responsibility on one functionality. One person will be making payments for all the regular day to day expenses. Another person will be handling payment of establishment establishment. Establishment charges means employee related expenses will be processed by one person. Day to day administrative expenses will be processed by one person, and vendor bills will be paid by one person, and ER bills will be paid by one person like that. Say, 4 accountants are there, one accounts officer is there. And the accounts officer is responsible for a final, and all these accountants are say, for example, he’s posting accounting entry. one accountant posting accounting entry, telephone expenses account attached to bank. But the accountant, he is able to prepare a document, but he will not be allowed to post the post into GL account because unless that has been verified, it should not be posted to GL account. As per the International auditing standards, every document must and should be verified. Financial document should be verified by more than one person. It should be prepared by one person and should be verified by another person, and prepared, verified, and authorized sometimes. At least minimum prepared by one person and authorized and posted by another person. Even if you look at the manual documents, you’ll find something like that prepared by somebody, verified and posted by somebody. So, like that, even here, every document, we can make it in such a way that one employee prepares the document and he saves it and another superior officer, he will look at the document to verify and then he posts. So, this is the requirement. So, the same thing has been provided in SAP. Now say, for example, accountant will be given user ID, password, and for him, only one transaction code will be given authorization. That is called F-65 or FE50L, Park GL document. For the ledger group is one and edit our park GL document. See, this is for new GL. This is for ordinary GL, FB50, Edit or park GL document.
So here, once the accountant is given authorization for F-65, he can access only F-65. And if he tries to post in F-02, system says, sorry you are not authorized. So, say, for example, now for me, since we are in the process of practice and that we are in the practice line 800, then we can access, of course, all. Now F-65. Double click on this for document parking.
But before we park a document, we need to create some number range. Numbering in the sense because as soon as we post an accounting entry in F-02, it will post. But for parking. So, what I will do is, see. Go to F-65.
Say date 29th. System takes the same number range, of course. Say this is, 400301, Enter.
Office rent, 19,500. I’m taking this test for document parking. 50 is the posting key. Bank account, 200405. 19,500.
So, it is shown like this. here, you should keep your cursor here, you’ll see park document.
It is asking us to park it. . See park document. Previously, if you go to F-02, it will show you as post. But here it is, park. Now save it. A message comes up ‘Document 9 in DRLB was parked.’
Previously, when you go to F-02 and post it, it’ll say doc number so and so was posted. Now in parking, it is taking doc number 9 continuation document. I will post one more document. 400302. Same. 50. Bank accounts, 20,405. 5,500. Just the second document I’m posting. See, document number 10 was parked.
So, 9 and 10 were in parking. So now as soon as an entry is posted like this, you know, in real scenario or technical people, what do they make? Accountant, see, accountant will be posting, and the accounts officer Farheen, on the-side corner, he’ll get a message document number 9 parked by so and so person. Document number 10 parked by so and so person. If he is in front of the system, he’ll go to the parked document list and he’ll post it. Otherwise, if he is in a meeting, somewhere he’s outside, he’s not there, and he’ll come and he wants to see where are the documents that are parked. He’ll go to go to Document, Parked documents. Post or delete, Change, Display, all these things can be seen.
Now let us go to FBV0. Post or delete.
I don’t know what the documents are that have been parked. Don’t enter any document number. Click on document list.
So, 9 and 10 documents were parked. So, the superior officer will go to this list and check. But just like if you open your Yahoo Messenger or Skype, etc,, you can see some small information coming to you. So and so person logged in. And so logged out. Like that, here in SAP, we arrange like that, and that that information will come. Now, I want to, say for example, document number 9. I want to post it. If I want to make any changes, I can change. Say, double click on this because I’m a superior officer and I have that authorization.
So, what he will do is, generally whatever bills the accountant gets, whether telephone bills or any bill, on the top of the bill, he passes the entry. On the top of the bill, he’ll write what is the number that is generated in SAP, and he’ll throw it in the outside, this one, and those bills will be sent to the accounts officer. So, accounts officer takes that bill and say, for example, instant of 20,000, the accountant has entered 19,500 by mistake. So, I’ll make 20,000, And I can save it.
Now if I keep the cursor here, it is coming as post for me. So I’ll Post, and we’ll get the message Document number 9 was posted in company code. Come back to the document list. Now only 10 is available. So, 9 is posted. Double click on it. Let’s say I feel that already telephone bill is posted. The accountant by mistake posted a second entry. Now I don’t want to post it, I want to delete it. I can delete it because I’ve seen it already. Go to menu path, document, delete. Data will be lost. It will caution you. Delete the parked document? Yes. Without any hesitation. Then the parked document will be deleted. So, like this, parked documents can be posted and deleted. If you go to FB02 display, 9 is there. There is a change in the document, we made 20,000. If you look at the document number 10, it will not have anything, it will be blank. But this 10th document will not be used by the ecosystem. Here, clearly, it is indicated.
Both are entered by me only. CZ parked document which was deleted. Document status. So, document trail say, audit trail will appear. Means, they’ll find that some document was there in 10, but that has been deleted. If you want to see the document line items, you cannot see. But only the document number can be seen and it will show you who has parked and who has deleted. Since both of them are done by me, the system shows my name here. And if you post the next document, the system will post the 11th document. That is called parking of a document.
Now there is one more concept called document holding. So that means, temporarily, we can hold the document. So, parking is the system has provided the facility to park a document for the purpose of authorization because one person has to prepare the document. Another person will be given authorization to post it. So, document will be verified twice in that way. In the in case of companies, every document will be parked and his superior officer will be posting. In 99.9% of the cases, without that, the internal audit team will make an objection. And again, that will be given. So that facility has to be followed. Now, when coming to the document holding. Document holding is nothing but say, I want to post a document in case of document entry, I’m posting a document and I want to discuss with my boss because some osome complications are there. And my boss isn’t available immediately. So, I don’t want to keep it pending. If I’m posting in F-02 let me post one accounting entry. Like, say, for example, 400303 office maintenance. 2,200. This is a test for document holding.
Bank account, 200405 is my bank account. So once the document is entered, if I save it, it’ll be posted. But I want to keep the document on hold. Go to document. Hold.
But if you are doing this on the server for the first time, it’ll ask you for some information, tell you to run a small program. Let us check that. Because the server is given to us.
So procedure alright. Health documents must be converted. So, there’s a program. I need to run it. Copy it. Go to SC38. This is in fact, this is a small ABAP program. SC38.
RFTMTBLU is the program name. Execute it. Message shows ‘Held the document successfully converted’. Again, come back to your document. Again, go to Document. Hold. Then it’ll ask you for a temporary document number. So temporary document number I have to give. So temporary document number 1, hold the document. The document will be held
So, because I don’t want to keep the documents pending around, I have to enter, say, around 40 or 50 documents. So, on the other hand, I want to post it. So that’s why I can keep it as held document. And if I want to post another document and I want to hold it first, and I give temporary document number 1, the system says that another document already exists with that number. So that’s why I cannot. So, we’ll give 2. Hold the document. Document number 2 will be held. So, 2 documents I kept on hold. That is temporarily I kept on hold. Once I my boss comes, I discuss it with him. They got clarified and I want to post it. Again, go to F-02 to see held documents. Go to the held document. It’ll take us to FB11 T-code. You can use temporary document number. I don’t remember the document number because there are about half dozen there. So, in such case, go to document list.
Document number 1 and 2. Double click on document number 1. And if any changes are there, you can make changes. Double click on the document. You can change the amount. Everything, you can change it. Everything is okay, I’ll save it and post. So document 11 was posted. 10th document, which was a parked document, has been deleted. That’s why the 10th number will not be taken. 11 document system has taken. Come back again to the document list. First document is gone, second document is there. I feel that this document is not required. My boss told me, remove this document, it’s not required. What do you do? Choose delete from the taskbar. Document number 2 will be deleted. Now in the document list, nothing is there. So, in case of, held documents or document keeping on hold, if you delete the document, there will not be any traces of that document because it is temporarily held by me. So that’s why in case of parking, if once it is parked, it will go to the parked documents list. But if the temporary document is kept on hold, once you delete it, you cannot find even traces. And, these are the two facilities given. See, like this, so many facilities are given in SAP. Whether to use it or not, that is up to the user. But we’ll discuss all these facilities one by one. So, let us stop here today.