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G/L Account List

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G/L Account List

Okay, now let us see the next report which is G/L account list. Let’s go here, still under here, information system, general ledger reports, master data, G/L account list.

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Let me close this, put Sun and run it. Can you see this? G/L account, 100,000. Company code, general data. See this 1000 building, search in account control, account management, document entry control. What this refers to is the respective tab in the G/L account master data.



Let me just open it so that I can understand better. Okay. This is 100,000. Okay. See this, control data. This is account control and account management. Account management is this. This is account control. See this section here, it’s called account control, which corresponds to this. That’s why I can see the tax category. This is the tax category. You can see it here. Reconciliation ID.



This one, assets, so that’s why it’s, a, here. It stands for assets. Here, exchange rate (E/R) difference key, which is this one. All these are under account control, which is here. Account control.



So the next one is account management company code. Here, account management. All this data.



The next one is document entry control. Document entry control is over here. This tab here.



Control of document creation. The field status is G007. That’s what is shown here, G007, under document entry control.



Here, you see TES2 because this is a different company code. This is Sun company code. The same G/L account which is 100,000 is also used in a different company code, which is TES2. Let me just show it to you. If I come here and change to TES2, the same G/L account is also used by TES2.



Remember, the same G/L account can be used by more than one company code, that’s why I can see this. If I want to see only the Sun Company code usage, we just filter by Sun here so that you won’t be seeing, TES2. You see 100,000, and then, the next G/L account comes immediately, which is also for Sun. Okay, just bear in mind on that.



Then these other accounts, since this is selected, you can see all the sections accordingly. Account control, account management, document entry control. If I select one more section, let’s say, bank details, then you can see the bank details section also.



Also, you see this? Bank details section is over here. This section. Okay. Makes sense, right?



Interest calculation corresponds to this section. If you want to see that, just select that. There are so many other sections you can select accordingly. Account sorting is to determine the sorting of the report, G/L account and company code. If you want to change the sorting order to account group, and then, follow by G/L account and company code, you can choose two, so that when you run the report after the selection has changed to two, you can see the sorting order accordingly. That’s about it.



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