Filtering Reports
Okay, now we’ll see one more topic, which is filtering reports.
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Filtering reports is a report utility. Let me show you this report. Let’s say in this report you want to see only the documents dated 12th of April, how are you going to do that? Just select this and press this sign here. See, now you have this field for filtering.
Just select 12th of April, and click okay. You see, this is filtered. You can also select more than one field, and press filter. Now you can see this field also, due date, and put in the dates to filter. Okay. If you don’t select any fields and then press filter button, you will get a different screen, but you can do the same thing using this screen too only that the way you select the field is different.
Let’s say you want to filter by the amount in local currency also, just select it and click okay. See, you get the amount in local currency. Whenever you choose the amount field, the local currency field will be automatically selected by the system, so I’m going to put 100. What are the values I’m seeing here? You see the negative, 100 will be excluded because what I’m putting here is only positive 100.
See, it’s excluded. Then, there’s one more thing I want to show you. If you want to select all the documents which has got a document value of more than 100, you have to choose this option here, selection option, and choose this option, greater than equal to. You have many other options to choose also. Greater than equal to. I choose greater than equal to. Click okay. You see this sign here, so now it means it will select all the documents which are greater than 100. Alright, that’s the use of this option here.
If you want to exclude the selection, that means I choose this, which means it’s 100, but if I want to show all the documents for which the document amount is not 100, then you can do this, exclude from selection. So if you do exclude from selection and choose single values, that means any document which is equivalent to 100 will not be shown. I show this. See, it has taken all the positive values which is 100 and showing only the negative 100 because the selection is such.
Alright. That’s how it works. This is excluding this range, excluding this value that is selected. If you want to include them, then you have to go to select, include. It’s very powerful.
If you want to delete this amount from the filtering options, just press delete and click okay, and it will be gone. If you come back, you see, amount field and the currency field is gone. You can also remove from here, not a problem, just select and remove, so you get only document date. Either way, okay.
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