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Display Changes To GL Accounts

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Display Changes To GL Accounts

Now we’re going to go to the next topic, which is, display changes to G/L accounts. This is something like an audit trail. This function will display all the changes done to our G/L account.

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This over here, under the master record G/L accounts, display changes, centrally. I am choosing this account and then press enter. See, mark for deletion. It shows block for posting, mark for deletion. Initially, we blocked for posting, so that’s listed. Then after that, we marked for deletion, it is listed. Let me do one more, one more changes, okay, let me just change the description of the G/L account. New, let’s see if this is recorded in the audit trail. 




Let’s go back to centrally, press enter. See, G/L account long text is changed.



You want to see the values, double click. This is the old value, test bank account, and the new value is this.  Test bank account (New) change. If you want to see the full text, just double-click. Change from this to this. Who changed it? Type User ID. My User ID and the time and the date. You want to see that? Just double-click this for more details.



Go back. Okay. I’ll show if you, press this, change, all changes. You’ll see all the changes at one go. If you want to see only the changed fields, you can pick this. You can see only the changed fields.



Okay, let’s move on. There’s one more thing I need to tell you. If you want to filter the audit trail by a date, you can choose a date and time here. If you want to see all the changes done by a particular user, you can enter the user ID here. For example, set user, so you won’t see any changes done by other users. This is to filter the date. That’s about it.



You may watch the full course on the following YouTube link