Creation of Asset Sub-number Codes
After maintaining the asset master codes, next we will maintain the asset sub number codes. Now here the path is accounting, financial accounting, fixed assets, then asset, then create. Then under create, we have sub-number, and then we’ll click on the transaction code AS11.
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It is normally created when a material and significant extension is made to the main asset which has its own depreciation terms and useful life as distinct from the main asset. So, we have a main asset and under which we have sub-numbers for that particular asset. So after entering the AS11 transaction code, next, we will get a screen where we have to create the sub-numbers.
So here we’ll enter the main as a set number for which a sub-number needs to be created and we’ll click on the enter button. So here, by default, all the asset details are provided in the main asset, which gets copied on to the asset sub number. So here the asset number is provided along with the company code, after which on the next screen, we will get the details which are copied from the main asset which we have created earlier.
So all the details are copied into the main asset and we have created a copy of that particular main asset under the sub-number asset.
Next, we will see how to display the asset master codes. After the creation, we will see the display of the asset master codes. Now here the transaction code is aw AW01N for display of the asset master code.
Now here the Asset master display can be done through an SAP easy access screen. Now this path is accounting, financial accounting, fixed assets, then asset, under which we will go to display option. Then we will go to AW01N transaction code, that is the Asset Explorer. Now here in the planned values, the capital details are available. So the tab planned values will maintain the capitalization details, and in the posted values will maintain the month wise depreciation figures. Whereas the tab for the comparison, the year wise depreciation details can be made.
So here in this particular display mode, first we will maintain the or we can say that we can see the details for the planned values, posted values, and comparisons. So here first, we will click on the depreciation area that is booking depreciation, once we double click on this particular depreciation, on the right hand side, we will get a window where it will display the details for company codes and assets and that particular fiscal year. Now here this shows the details of the planned values for the booking depreciation. So, here this is the values related to the planned values. Next, here it shows the posted values for that particular book depreciation.
Then next, it will show the comparisons of several depreciation areas to that particular fiscal year.
So here we have a fiscal year from 2008 to 2009. So here it is showing a comparison value between this particular fiscal year. So this is how we display the asset master codes in the asset explorer for this particular company code that is 1000.
Next, we will see how to create a Bank Key Master.
Now here we will see creation of a bank key master. The transaction code is FI01. The path is financial accounting, banks, master data, and then bank master record, we’ll go to the create, that is FI01 transaction code. So once we click on this create button, we will get a screen where we have to maintain the bank country and bank key.
So our country code is India, that is IN. And we will maintain the bank details for Kotak Mahindra. So here we will maintain bank here as Kotak. Now once we press enter on the continue button, the next screen we get where we have to maintain the bank details. So here we will maintain the address details like bank name, region, street, city and bank branch. Then we will have to maintain the control data information like SWIFT code and bank number which is provided by the bank. So, we will maintain the bank details in this particular screen.
Next, we will see how to create a house bank for that particular bank.
Now here we will go to transaction code FI112 for creation of a house bank, that is the main bank. So here we will have to maintain a company code, that is the work area for which that particular house bank is to be created. So we will maintain the company code as 1000 and then we will press on the enter button. Now here we will get a screen where we have to maintain a house bank, that is we will have to create a house bank.
So we will click on this New Entries tab. Once we click on this new entries tab, we will get a screen where we have to maintain a house bank.
So here we will maintain a house bank called Kotak. And we will maintain the bank country as India and bank key as Kotakbkey. So here, these details are maintained for that house bank data After this, we will click on the create button. Now once we click on this create button, we have to maintain a bank data where it will provide the bank address details like bank name, region, street, city, bank branch, then control data like SWIFT code and bank number.
So these are the details for the bank data. Now then we will be creating a separate house bank for each bank account. Once we click on the continue button, a house bank is created for Kotak Mahindra. And, similarly, we can create separate house banks for each bank data. Now here we have an example where we need to create a new GL account for bank. So for creating a new GL account for a bank, we will use a transaction code FS00. Now here if we have to do a reconciliation for the bank, we have to maintain three (3) different banks for each bank. Now first is Kotak Mahindra main account, Kotak bank receipt account, and Kotak bank payment account. So we’ll create 3 different bank accounts for each bank. Now here all the credit transactions should go to the receipt account, and all the debit entries should go to the payment account. So in this example, we’ll maintain this with the help of creating a new GL account.
Now FS00 transaction code will maintain a GL account.
So we will create a new GL account for company code 1000. And we will maintain this for account group, that is bank account, and the bank is Kotak Mahindra. So here we will maintain first for Kotak main bank.
After that, in the main bank account only, line items need to be selected.
So we will click the checkbox as Line Item Display. Here for inflow and outflow accounts, we need to select the option as Open Item Management checkbox in the Control Data tab. Now after this, we will link the bank details.
So here, in this creation of the house bank we will link these details with the house banks and bank reconciliation. Then for the main bank account, we will go to the FI112 transaction code i.e. house bank create screen, and we will maintain the main bank account code in front of that particular GL. So here we will maintain that account data for this particular created GL.
Next, we will go for the payment method. So here for payment bank account, we will go to FBZP transaction code. Now this is the customizing transaction code where we will maintain the payment program.
So after creating, we will maintain the payment by clicking on the Bank Determination tab. Once we click on this, we will get a screen where we have to select the desired company and click on the bank account.
So here this is the display view for bank selection. Our company code is 1000, so we will select this company code and we will click on the bank accounts So after clicking on the bank accounts on the next screen, we will get the screen which is OBVCU screen where we will have to maintain the bank account details
So here we will click on the New Entries tab and enter the bank account details, that is the bank payment account details.
So here we will maintain the details, and then here we will see the details for Kotak, that is the house bank Kotak with the account ID and bank sub account details And then we will click on the save button This is how we maintain the bank account details for payment bank account.
Next, we will see how to proceed for the payment bank account. So we will go to the transaction code SPRO.
And there, we will follow this mentioned path, and will click on Define Posting Keys and Posting Tools for Manual Bank Statement. So after clicking on this button, we will get a screen where we have to assign the accounts to the account symbol.
So here there is no need to do any individual banks. Here as per the configuration, the system automatically takes the account codes ending from 0 and adds 1 to that number and treats as inflow account. So here it assigns the accounts to the account symbol automatically for the individual banks.
Next, we will see maintaining check lots for each bank. Now here we use a transaction code FCHI for maintaining check lots for each bank. Or we can go with the path as accounting, financial accounting, accounts payable, then periodic processing there. We will use F110 transaction code if we are not using a transaction code FCHI. After this we will get a screen for automatic payments.
So under that we will go to environment. We will click on check information and we will go to number ranges.
Now if we are using a transaction code FCHI, we will go to FCHI transaction code, in that we will go to edit and then we will go to create.
Now here, cheque lot is received from the bank, the same needs to be entered in the system before it can be utilized automatically by the system. So here, we will have to maintain the bank details. So once we click on this create button, here we will have to maintain a Lot, that is lot number and the cheque number for that particular cheque.
So after maintaining this, we will click on the enter button. Now here, we will maintain the cheque lots.
Each cheque book is called a check lot. So here, we’ll mention the various check lots to be used for automatic and manual payments. And then we will click on the save button. After maintaining this, we will maintain the automatic and manual payments for that particular checkbook, that is a check lock.