Create Customer Master Data
Hello. Okay. Now we go to the subsequent sections of the tutorial. Let me recap. We have done company code config, chart of account config. These two we have not done yet. We will look at it later on.
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Now, creation of master data. Once we have done these two, we have done the G/L account setup. We created a chart of account, and then, created a G/L account one by one.
This is what it is, and therefore, we have done this G/L accounts creation and here it shows the menu path and the T-code. Do you remember the T code I use frequently, FS00, this one here?
The next master data that we need to create is the customer master data, so we’re going to see this now. Okay. Let me do that. Go here, accounting, financial accounting, account receivable, master records, create. Do you know why we go to account receivable? Because customers are created under account receivable. Master records, double-click this, change your company code to Sun. I need to explain something about this account group.
You have a lot of account groups here. This is something like a classification of the customer that you are going to create. These are the classifications we have or groupings or categorization or whatever you call, it all refers to the same thing, so I’m going to classify the customer that I’m going to create as trade customers. See this, we have wholesale customers, so you can separate the type of customers accordingly, but I’m not going to confuse a lot on this, just stick to trade customers until you become well versed with SAP, then later on, I’ll explain what other customer groups are all about.
The other thing I want to explain about this account group is that, you can define your own account group in the IMG, okay. I’ll show this later on in the advanced training session.
Just understand that we’re going to choose account group trade customers here because if I branch out and then explain how to create an account group, custom defined account group, it will complicate the whole tutorial, and it will never become a simple tutorial anymore. Because the objective of this tutorial is to make sure it is as simple as possible so that you can have an overview of the SAP operations before we go into advanced topics.
So just bear in mind, SAP is not very simple as what I’m explaining now, it’s more complex than this, but we will look into the complexity one by one later on.
Okay. Create customers, Sun, click okay. Now this is very simple., just to choose Mr. whatever. I’m not going to choose Mr. because it’s a company, so I’ll just put company. Let me just put Customer A. Country is, just put Great Britain, GB. Now, you can fill a street number and postal code, country and so on, but I’m not going to do that. Let me see. Let us check. I’ve already created a customer called A, so let’s go for B.
Customer B, control data. Okay, I need to explain a lot of things here, but let me explain only the important things right now. Nothing much to explain about here. The only important thing we have is a vendor control here. You might be wondering why there’s a vendor field in the customer master data setup. I’ll explain this later on. It’s basically to link a vendor to a customer, but there are more things to explain now.
Let me not confuse you right now, just go to the next tab, payment transactions. This is where you key in the bank account of this customer. Normally, we don’t have to maintain a bank account for the customer, we only maintain a bank account for vendors to make payments to vendors because normally we receive payment from customer, therefore there’s no need for us to maintain a bank code and bank information for customers. I’ll show you how to maintain the bank information for our vendors later on.
Go to other things. Yeah, all the steps are not really important, so don’t confuse yourself too much.
Okay. Let me click this company code data. Okay. You see this, recon account, this one on the company code data, so this is an important thing you need to define. You need to link it to this G/L account. Recon account is a G/L account that we have created earlier. You need to link each and every customers to a G/L account, which is a reconciliation account. So that any postings made to these customers are posted to the respective G/L account.
When you post a sale’s invoice for a customer, that sale’s invoice amount need to be posted to the G/L account, only then will it reflect in your financial statement and P&L. So how do we link the customer code to the respective G/L account is using this recon account field here.
When I click this, I’ll see all the G/L accounts, which is defined as a recon account for customers. Let me just show you this.
Okay. It’s worth showing this. Let me open up FS00. Okay. We have plenty of accounts here, but what makes the system to show only this particular account? I’ll show you why.
The answer to this is that, let’s go ahead, press enter, control data. Do you see this,
Recon account type for customer? This is the flag, or the switch, which tells the system that this is the recon account for customers, so, that’s the reason when you click zoom button here, you’ll see only this G/L account, and not the other G/L accounts, because if we go to other G/L accounts, that flag will not be set as customers.
Let me just go to machinery. I come here. Do you see? It is a recon account for assets, this account, so there’s no point showing it here.
All right. Let me just choose one more account, cash and bank. It’s totally empty, so that’s why it’s not being displayed here. All right. You can save it now.
Yes, I have created a customer account, 5001, and company code is one. Let me just display that. You can press this to display, or the other way to display is just quit.
Come here, just enter the customer number. You must remember the customer number, 50001, click OK.
It’s the one I created. I put the general data. Let me explain something about general data and company code data, basically, all customer master data will have two sections called company code data, where we can see one, two, three, four tabs, and general data where there are three tabs here.
Okay. I’ll explain what’s the difference between general data and company code data later on in the additional training session. Okay, we can go to the next.
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