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Booking and display Journal Voucher

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Booking and display Journal Voucher

Hello everyone! In today’s session we will learn about transactions in SAP FICO. Now, before moving ahead with this session, let us summarize what we have learned from our previous session that was on Masters which are used in SAP FICO model. Now under Masters, we have covered about general ledger account codes. Then we have seen how to create the account codes and how to extend the GL accounts. Also, further to that, we have seen how to create primary cost elements, secondary cost elements, and how to maintain the cost and activity type and assign the allocation of the cost elements. Then further to that, we have seen how to create vendor master codes, customer master codes, internal order master, asset master codes, then asset sub number codes. Also, we have seen how to display the asset master codes. Then also, we have seen on how to create the bank key masters and house banks. And finally, we have seen how to maintain check lots for each bank. So, these are the things which we have covered under the master session for SAP FICO model.

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Now in this transactions part of the SAP FICO. Let us see what we will cover.

Now first we will see how to book a journal voucher. Then we will display that journal voucher. Then we will see booking of accrual or deferral document. Then we will see reverse accrual or deferral document. Then we’ll see what are individual reversals. Then we’ll create a sample document. Then we’ll display that sample document. Then we’ll see how to pass the entry using a sample document. Then we’ll see booking of recurring entries and posting of recurring entries. So, here we’ll see all of these things in detail with the help of different transaction codes.

Now let us see the first course content, that is booking a journal voucher. Now here we will use a transaction code FB50 or F-02.


Now here first we will see how to book a general voucher. Now the SAP menu path is accounting, then financial accounting, then General Ledger. Under that we will go to posting, and there we’ll select the transaction code either FB50 or F02. So both are used for booking a journal voucher. Now here the document entry screen comprises of a header and a line item details, to be filled in while booking a transaction. Now details are entered in the header are relevant for the whole document. Now there can be maximum of 999 lines in a single document. So here we will enter the details like date, company code text in the header area of the screen. Let us see how do we do that.

Now here, use every 50 transaction code where we’ll maintain the header data details like document date, posting date, then company code, type of that particular account, etc. So, here we’ll maintain all these details for that particular document. Now, here a single document can contain 999 lines with the following informations. Now after mentioning this information, the next screen we’ll get where we have to maintain the line item details like posting key and the corresponding account code.

So, here in the details, we’ll maintain the posting key and the account code and specify the amount for that particular line item, that is per line item. So here we’ll maintain the amount per line item. Now in case of the expense account it is mandatory to enter a cost object. That is a cost center then internal order will maintain a profitability segment against it. That is the profit segment against that. So here the assignment field can be used for the purpose of sorting of line items. So here in assignment field, we can mention the data. And it works as sorting of line items. So, this is how we maintain the line item details by providing the amount for each line, the posting key and the account details, and we’ll maintain a profit segment field against each internal order and we’ll maintain a cost center for that line items. So, this is how we maintain the line items detail. And that was for line item one. Similarly, we’ll maintain the details for all the other line items. So, we’ll just have to simply click enter and it will automatically copy the text as entered in the earlier line items.

Now after that, once all the line items are entered, we’ll simulate those entries. So here this will display the accounting entries that will be passed on the saving the transaction.

So, after entering all the details of the line items, we’ll click on document and we’ll click on simulate. Or we’ll click on Shift+ F9. Now after pressing Shift plus F9, we’ll get a screen where it will display the accounting entries that are passed, and then it saves the transaction. So, this is how we simulate the entries.

After that we’ll get a screen where it will display the line items which we have defined.

Now, here in case of unbalanced entries, system will not allow the posting of the document. So here we have to check that the DR and the CR amount, that are debit and the credit amounts are equal for posting. So here if the entries are unbalanced, then it will not allow the system to post the data, that is post the document. So here we have to check the debit and the credit amounts, which should be equal so that it can post the entries. So this is how we create the line items and we display the data.

Next, we’ll see journal entries with the transaction code FB50. Now here it is preferable to go with the transaction code FB50 as it is in this mode. We do not need to remember the posting keys for debits and credits. So here we can simply pass the entries with debit and credits in the single screen. So, this journal entry is with the transaction code FB50.

Here, we’ll maintain the debit and the credit details in this section. And we’ll get the green color indicator. Now, here we have some signal type indicator so that we cannot post the transaction until it turns to green color. So here as the total debits and total credits amounts are equal, the signal turns green and we are able to post the transaction. So here the total debit and credit will be equal. Then automatically this indicator will turn into green signal, after which we can post that particular transaction. So, once it turns into green color we will simulate those entries. So, we’ll have to click on the simulate option. Now here it will give a summary.

Once we click on the simulate button, that is it will generate a list of all these line items. So here simulation gives the display of the entries before it posts the data. So here we should always simulate the transaction to check the accuracy of the transaction. As we simulate, we get the details of this transaction. So here we can see that the amounts are equal for both the line items. Now here if the transaction is correct we can click on the save button. Else we can modify the transaction.

Now, else we save the transaction a document number at the bottom line of the screen is generated. Now, in case we are not sure about the correctness or we don’t want to post the transaction immediately, we can park that transaction by clicking on the Park button. That is, we can hold that particular transaction if we do not want to post that transaction. Now here the system will either move this document to financial books, nor it will generate the document number for the transactions. Now, after we confirm about the transaction, we can save the transactions from the park mode to the post mode.

So, here we have seen how to use the park button if you do not want that particular transaction to be posted. And once that transaction is confirmed to be posted, we can save that transaction from the Park mode to Post mode. So here we have seen how to book a journal voucher.

Now next, we’ll see how to display that journal voucher. Now here we’ll see that by using a transaction code FB03.

Now here, the display mode of journal voucher, then we’ll go to transaction code FB03.

Under that, we’ll maintain the document list by maintaining the document number and the company code. So, after entering these details, the document number and the company code, we’ll click on the document list button.

Now, once we click on that button, we’ll have to provide the values like company code, document type and the entry date. So, this is the display mode that is from entering that display list button, we’ll get a screen where we’ll have to provide the details of company code documented. So, we can search the document on various criteria provided in the screen, and then we’ll click on the execute button. So, this is the display mode to check the entries for our journal.