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Author: priscillaadekola

Asset Accounting 2

So on the other day, we were going through the basic introduction about asset accounting. And, so what I told you, account determination. The main assets which you see in the balance sheet are called account determination, land, buildings, plant and machinery, furniture and fixtures, vehicles, [...]

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Asset Accounting 1

We are looking at the integration that has already been done for a company called 1000 company code and chart of accounts is INT chart of accounts. See, our company is Doctor Reddy Lab DRL. DRLB is our company code, and DRCA is our chart of accounts. Similarly, in SAP the standard company codes [...]

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FI-MM Integration 2

Integration between FI and MM, so I told you that different types of materials will be there material type, ROH, etc. Each material type will be again given a valuation class. Valuation class is a component which is going to make the system to post the accounting entries through this valuation [...]

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FI-MM Integration

So our next topic is integration.  Here, now what is meant by integration? Here integration, if you remember the integration between FI and SD, we have seen. The integration between FI and SD means any invoice that any data that has been generated in sales and distribution module, is going to [...]

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