AR Customer Payment History
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The report is here. Accounting, financial accounting, account receivable, information systems, customer items, customer payment history.
You select customer and execute the report. However, I need to tell you something. Before you can do that, you’d actually set a flag in the customer master data to record the payment transactions. Otherwise, the report will be empty. You see here, there is the customer master data under the company code section., and payment transaction, you need to set this flag here. It is under the customer master data, company code, company code area, payment transaction section, not in the general area, okay.
The general data, if you go to payment transaction, you won’t see that. You have to come to company code data and go to payment transaction. You can see this flag, you need to set this.
Okay. See, you can only carry out evaluation of payment history. For example, with the report, we have selected the field, otherwise, cannot. Only if you set this indicator, payment history of the customer has to be recorded.
Okay. For our customer, 500001, we did not set that indicator, therefore, this report will be empty.
Let’s go back to the report. See, empty. Even though we have made payment for this customer, it was not recorded because we did not set the flag. Okay, next time if you want to record the customer payment history, please make sure you set the flag. For some companies, they are not bothered to record the customer payment history because it can be seen in other reports, because even though you don’t set the flag in a customer master data, you can still see the customer payments from other reports, such as this display change line items. You just look for all items. Okay, you see.
You see, any translation which has got a document type of DZ, DZ is considered a customer payment. 2800 is a payment, and the other flag is at a negative amount, so if it’s a negative amount and then the document type is DZ, then it means customer payment. So even though you don’t set the flag in a customer master data, you can still check customer payments using other reports like this one. This is one of the report and many other reports.
It doesn’t mean that you cannot see the payment history at all, but this is a special report. This is a special report to record the payment history. So if you set the flag in the customer master data, the payment history will be saved in this report so that you can see. This is something special. You can decide whether you want to enable or disable the flag. DZ is payment.
Let’s go to the next topic.
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