AR Customer Line Items
Go to the next report, which is the customer line items. This one, AR customer line items. You can use this report for that.
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Okay, accounting, financial accounting, account receivable, information systems, reports for account receivable accounting, customers items, list of customer items. The difference between customer balances and customer line items is that in customer balances, if you have noticed, we only see the total balance for the customer. We don’t know which documents make up the balance. So in this report, we can see which individual documents make up the balance. Here it is. Customer account. Sun. All items.
See this? Cancel individual account balances. Okay, let me show you the customer balances report for you to compare and contrast. Here, Sun. The total debit is 2200. Let me see. See, 2000. We look at the debit figures. Debit figures are those without the negative sign. It’s positive, like 2000. This one we cannot add up because it’s already tight since that’s a negative sign. This one also on the negative on the credit side. Okay, we add up this 100 and 100, both are positive, 2,200, so which corresponds to the total debit here.
Now we check the total credit, which is 2100. 1800 plus 200 is 2000, plus another 100 is 2100, which is matching this amount here. So this minus this is 100. The current balance of the customer is 100. If we total up all this amounts, you get 100 as a balance.
Okay. Each have details breakdown of these amounts. This is the total pages.
The reason why we are choosing all items is that I want to see all the open invoices and settle the invoices. If you want to see only the open invoices, that means invoices for which the payment have not been made yet, you have to choose open items, run it. These are open. These invoices are not paid yet. If you want to see only the cleared items, invoices which are settled, you have to choose these cleared items.
Okay. Let’s go to next report.
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