One Time Customer
Hey, now we’ll go to a topic called one time customer.

One time customer is something like say, for example, you have an office meeting and you are arranging a pizza for the meeting members. You buy pizza from Pizza Hut or Domino’s, but you don’t want to create a customer code for them because they are not trade customers, they are just one off customers. So for this kind of one off transactions where you are very sure that you are not going to continuously buy from the customer, it is just a random incident, so you may not want to create a customer code for them because otherwise your customer code will become used up. The customer number range will become used up, so you may want to lump all these one time customers, which is also called one-off customers under one customer code so that you don’t use a lot of customer numbers for that. Let us see how we can do this. You come here, account payable, customer accounts, master data, preparations. You need to define a specific account group for the customer. Remember we set up treat customers, all our customers are lumped under this group, trade customers. We need to create one more group called one time customers. Just going to put one. See, it stands for one time customer. You see this flag here, one time account, just put it, so that the system knows that any account code that’s created under this group will be treated as a one time account. Just save it. This is saved.

Now go back to customer creation. Come here, create a record, you select the one time customer, here, there are more than one one time customer, so from the description, I don’t know which one is mine, so I click here, overview. This is much better. Just paste, 1C, which is the code. See the flag here? One time customer. We’ll have a flag. OTA means one time customer. Just select that and click okay. Oh, we have not assigned a number range yet. See this, we need to assign a number range, so let’s do it now.

Go back to the same place, here, Customer Accounts, Preparations, Number Ranges, Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts. Create these intervals. Let us see which interval is available. I think this is the one we are using for trade customers, right? We may create 10. Let us create a number range of 10, and specify as 600 range. Just copy this and paste it, and change it to 600 because the last number range used is 599, and now, we will use 6, and I want to make a very small range. Let us make it 10. It’s good enough for me. Insert. Okay. The 10 has been created. Let me copy that, save it, go back, assign number range to customer account groups. You need to assign the number range 10 to the group. Let us go to a group, which is this and put in the number range as 10, or you can even choose from the list here. Four, and I choose from here’s the same thing. Just save it and we are done. Let’s go back, let us click okay now. I need to refresh, I think. Come back again, click okay. See now, I can go in. Alright, I just put here One Time Customers and I save it. I need to assign a recon account. Let me do it afterwards. That is saved now. Okay, this is our one time customer number, 60000. Okay, now what we going to do. Actually, I can create, instead of using only one time customer account, I can group all the one-off customers under one group like all the pizza outlets under one customer, pizza, and all the burger customers as one group. What I’m telling you, I just go to edit here, I can even put like this for pizza purchases. For burger purchases, I can create one more customer code, and assign it, because my number range is 6, starting from 6000, up to 6 0010. So I have 10 customer codes which I can create under this one time customer group, so that within the one-off customers, you can classify certain groups like pizza, burger and all that. But for this example, let us not complicate it, we’re going to lump all the one off customers under one customer code, which is this. Okay. Now, I need to enter the recon account, otherwise, it won’t work. Trade customers. Alright. You might be asking if you post the pizza purchases to the same account, and also, other one-off customers like McDonald’s under the same customer account, how are we going to differentiate how much we have to pay for the pizza purchases and how much you have to pay for the McDonald’s purchases because both are physically different customers. Let us check what happens. Go to invoice, just put in the one-off customer here, 25th. I bought a $20 worth of pizza, so I put it on the pizza purchases. Since I don’t have a special G/L account for pizza purchases, I need to create one or else you can still post it to the same sales account, or let me create one so that it looks better. What is the next number range available for cost? 60001. Okay, let me just choose this. This cannot be the account because this is trade related expenses, so there must be an account for other expenses. Let me just check.

Okay, it’s not even created yet. Let me just go to account group and go to Sun. Okay, your other expenses over here, which is OEXP starting with A-series, so let me copy that and go to FS00. I put in 8 and I create. Already been created, so I go to the next one, which is, 80001. I just put 1 and I create. P&L, other expenses, copy and paste. Go to Feasibility group, cost accounts here and save it. It’s done here. Now, use the account and put $20. Okay, I’m going to show you something. No tax. Yeah. Account is tax, tax code will be erased. Okay. Now, let us simulate this. Alright, you see this extra screen here, this is the one which is going to help us to identify which is the ultimate customer to which we’re going to post this transaction to. This is something like a remark, because since we posted all the purchases from Pizza Hut, McDonald’s and Burger King, and so forth, to the same customer code, this field here will serve as a remark fail whereby we can key in the actual customer, Pizza Hut for this case. If it’s McDonald’s, then I put McDonald’s. Okay, let’s post Pizza Hut first, and it’s posted to six. This is an important thing you need to fill up, the others you can ignore. Bank key, bank account, all these with reference to Pizza Hut. For McDonalds, you can maintain a different bank account and so forth. Just click, okay. Title is required, just put company, then name the city. Yeah, name is entered, city is required. Put New York, click Okay. Looks like name and city is required entry. Now, I can post it. Look at this. It’s going to the common account, which is one time customers. This is a common customer account. Let me post this. Okay, let me do one more posting now for McDonald’s then we will inspect how it looks like.

Even we can see now. It doesn’t really matter. We go to customer line items. This is the one, open items. Go in. See this, one-time customers. See, when I double-click, it shows me the remark field which is which customer field, and then, I press enter. It goes to the actual transaction which is $20 and so forth. Okay, that will serve as a good reference to understand who’s the actual customer even though it’s posted to a common customer number.

Okay I want to show you one more report customer balances in local currency. Let’s go here, let me show you the menu path, information systems for account receivable, going there, put Sun, and you want to see all the customers, and you can see common customer account, which is one-time customer, 6000, $20. But you want to know, you want to see the breakdown of this common balance. Who bought what? So you go for drilldown one-time accounts, so the account is further broken down to Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut is 20 bucks, and the total is here.

So let us post one more transaction from this client, McDonalds. Let’s say you have another meeting, and you buy McDonald’s and you post 30 bucks, and you post it to the same account which is this, other expenses, 30 bucks, and clear off and press enter. Simulate. See, it’s asking again, since it’s a one-time customer, you put McDonald’s here, and the city is required entry. Just put the city also. Let’s put a different city, or I can even put New York again, doesn’t really matter. Okay, now you can post it. Okay, now we go back to the report again, customer balances, I think I closed it, let me just open it again. Now you put Sun. You don’t put the drilldown one-time account and see the total balance first, which is 50. You know Pizza Hut is 20 and McDonald’s is 30. If you want to see the breakdown of it, just come and drilldown one-time accounts, and you see, McDonalds is 30, Pizza Hut is 20, and the total is 50. So this is how you’ll know how much to pay, McDonalds and Pizza Hut respectively.

Let’s do a payment now. F28, you choose, copy, paste, account, bank account, amount is 20, you pay the Pizza Hut first, one-time customer, process open items, see this, if you don’t know which one is pizza and which one is McDonald’s, just double-click here, and it’s shown here, Pizza Hut. Cancel and it’ll come to the next screen, which is the invoice document amount, and go back and you double-click this. This is McDonald’s, so from here, you’ll know. Okay, go back, so you make the payment for this. Simulate, you have to enter the value date. Go back, simulate again. Now you’re done. You can post it.

Alright. Okay, let’s post it now. Posted. Let’s check the reports, Sun, and check without drilldown first. Yes, $20 is posted. I have checked drilldown. See, the Pizza Hut is removed from the list because it’s already been settled, so only donors are shown. Pizza Hut has been settled. That’s how it works, and you can also check here. NBL5N, all items. $30 is shown. $30 is the balance. If you double-click this, you’ll know which customer is that, McDonald’s. So what I’m trying to say is, even though all the transactions belonging to different customers are posted to one common account, which is this, you still can maintain the breakdown by the actual customers, using the remark field. Alright, that’s about it.