Changing Documents
Okay, now we’ll see the next topic, which is, changing the header text of a document.
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For example, the account receivable, changing documents. Let me show you how to change a header document. All you have to do is find out the document number that you’re going to change, so that you can enter here. Okay, just enter the document number. I’ll just use this document number. Enter. You come here, you see this, header, because according to our tutorial list up here, we need to change the header text of the document. So this is the header text. You see this hat sign here, this is the header text. If you click this, you get a header text here, just change it. Just copy the sales and paste it here. We have entered the text here. You can also manually key in. You can also change this field here. There are only two fields you can change in the header text level. Click ok and save it. Saved
To display, you can just go here, display whether the document has changed it. Go to display. Enter. See this, it has changed.
Now to change the text in the line item, you need to change the line item text, so you have to go to this decode here, change line item, FB09. I use the same document, then I press enter. I need to enter the same number for the line item. I want to change the first line item. Just put and enter. You see this, the first line item is shown for me. I will just change this text here. Just copy and paste.
Anything that is highlighted in blue can be changed. It is now saved. Lt us check whether it is changed. Remember, I entered first right, so that’s why I can change only the first one. If you want to change the line item for the second one, you need to enter the second one. This is how you do changes to the document.