Blocking Or Deleting GL Accounts
Here, in the additional configuration and transactions, which is blocking and deleting G/L accounts.
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So if you want to delete a G/L account, there are two ways of doing it. One is you block the G/L account, which means that when you block it, it’s a temporary deletion, meaning that the G/L account will be there physically, but no postings will be allowed to the G/L account. For example, if I block a G/L account, say for example, cash in bank, let me change the company code. The company code is pointing to something else. Here, Sun. Let’s do it now. I’m going to create a cash in bank account. Choose this flag here to block it. Okay. So once you have done it, if you try to post any transaction to the G/L account, the system will reject it.
Instead of doing it in the Sun Company Code, let’s do it in the Test Company Code, because I don’t want to mess up the Sun Company Code chart of accounts because we need it later. Let me just change it to Tes2. Okay, let me create a bank account. Let me just check what is a bank account. Cash in Bank, Cash in Hand. Okay, it’s supposed to be 2004. The next available number is 2004. Let’s create it now. It’s a balance sheet account and it’s a current asset. Test bank account. Let’s save it.
I forgot to mention the field status group. I think the system will not allow me to save it. Let’s mention the field status group. I should choose the bank accounts. Let me choose this. Okay. Now it’s done. It’s saved. Let’s copy it.
Now, we go to FB50 to post some transactions. Let’s save it. Let me just pause until it loads. Okay, it’s loaded now. I’m going to use this date. Debit or credit doesn’t really matter. We’re just going to test the blocking of the G/L account. Okay, just use this. Oh, the company code is Sun. We need to change the company code. It should be Tes2. Okay, so test bank account. Credit, 100. Cash in bank. Debit 100. Let’s simulate now. You need to enter the due date again, and just pause it until it compiles.
Okay, I will also enter the due date. Simulate it now. No problem, right? You can see the document simulation. That means all are correct. You can post it.
I am not going to post it now. I am going to block this G/L account to see how this system will behave. You need to go to block. This is a G/L account, right? Choose a block. Block for postings. Okay. Let me just also explain what is block for creation. If I select this indicator, that means this G/L account cannot be created for this company code. We do this in the chart of accounts level, not in the company code level, meaning that you have to do it here.
Let me go here. Records, Chart of accounts. See here, if I go to block. I need to release the block. Let me just quit this. I’m not going to save. Okay, let’s go here, in chart of accounts, and I block it, see, I can see this check mark here. If I click this, then this G/L account cannot be created for any company code. Okay, so we do this in the chart of account level.
See, therefore you cannot see the company code here. If I put a tick mark here, then if I try to create this G/L account in the company code, it will not be created, so we are going to do that. We are going to do the normal blocking. Change. Block. Why is it disabled? Let me just check why it is disabled. Okay. It is enabled back again. Okay. I am going to block it before posting in this company code. Save it. Now it is saved.
Let me just go back to the simulation now. Let’s do a simulation and see what happens. See this, account 200004, Tes2 is blocked for posting, which means that you cannot post. If you want to, you can still unblock the blocking. To do that, go here, block, remove the checkmark, save it, and you’re done.
Let me come back, simulate, you need to quit and come back. You have to enter again. Debit, 100. Let’s simulate, I need to enter the due date, otherwise, it won’t allow me. Now it’s okay, because I have already removed the blocking. Let me just show you, if you have forgotten. I have already removed the blocking. See, that’s how it works.
Deletion. Deletion of the G/L account works in the same way, but it’s slightly different. Let’s go to deletion. You set the delete flat, it will mark for deletion. If you choose this option, that means it is marked for deletion only at the company code level. As long as you don’t set this, another company code can still create this G/L account, can inherit and create this G/L account. I’m going to delete only in the company code level. I just save it. Okay, it’s deleted. Even though it’s deleted, the account will still be there for this company code. Okay. Only the flag will be there. Similarly, if you try to post, it will say that this company code is deleted, or something like that. Let me just check. It’s flagged for deletion. See, it’s just a warning message.
Okay. If you enter, you can still post and simulate it, which means that if you want to remove the G/L account, which is marked for deletion completely from the system, you have to archive the G/L account. Okay, let me show you. Okay, you see this? The G/L account is only marked for deletion, right? You can still see the G/L account in the G/L account master data. If you want to completely remove this G/L account from the database so that you cannot see it, and then, you can use back the G/L account number first to create another G/L account to create an archival. In order to do the archival, you have to come to this General Ledger, Periodic Processing, Archiving and choose this object here. This is specifically for G/L accounts archival, and you need to get your basis guide to do this archival for you. This screen is meant for basis, so they will know how to run the archival. Once the archival is done using this screen, any G/L account which is marked for deletion will be completely deleted from the database, so we’ll no longer see this account in the screen for this company code.