Park Document
Okay, let’s go to the next topic, which is Park Document. Park Document is also something like Hold Document. It is to save a document as a draft during editing, and then, you can continue later. But the only difference is that Park Document will generate a document number, whereas for Hold Document, you have to enter the document number on your own, and the document number will be temporary.
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For Park Document, the system will automatically generate a document number from the document number range that we have linked to the document type. This is a real document number, and the reason why we have parked document is that, let’s say you have a scenario whereby you create a document, your accounting clerk creates the document, and then, park it, then your manager or supervisor will review the parked document and post it, or can do further amendments. This is the flow, because the accounting clerk will be responsible to create the document first but not post it, only park it, and the manager with the higher authority or supervisor will review the parked document and post it so that it will hit the accounting entries. That’s the purpose of parked document. Hold document can also be used for the purpose, but it is not advisable because technically, it will work, but SAP suggests that if you have this kind of requirements, you better use park documents because it’s more professional to do that using a park document.
Let’s go here. How are we going to create a park document? Just go here. You have entered the information, and you have entered the level entry. See, this is the difference between the two. In park document, even though both are saving as a draft, which means you’ll not hit the accounting entries, hold document is purely meant for editing interruptions. That means the editing is interrupted for some reason. You have to attend a phone call or what, and therefore, you hold the document, but park document, you save it as a draft purposely. You save the document as a draft purposely for higher authority verification. Hold document is unintentional, and Park document saving is intentional, so I’m not going to post it, I just save it as park. See, document 10008, Sun was parked. This document number is actually a real document number.
Now, just hang on for a second, see this, the document number is generated, and it is not posted to the accounts yet. So in order to post to accounts, all you have to do is, let’s say the accounting clerk has done the creation of the document and parked it, now the manager logs in to your system, comes back, open this document, come here, just now we are here right, we are posting documents to access the parked document, you just come here, see this, you select, post to delete, here is the document number, just enter.
Now you have to come here. 100 to 100. You can further edit this amount to 50. The manager changes the amount to 50, then you can post it. See, the document is already generated. When you post the time, you will still use the same document number. You will not generate a new document number. Okay. Let’s post it now. See, it’s posted.
Okay. Now we will do how to delete a parked document. Let’s park another document first. Okay, park another document. Here, same thing, 100. Let’s say I park here. Let me go here, park document, post or delete, 9. Enter. I just delete park document. Instead of posting it, I can delete park document.
Or let’s say if I want to change the amount, and then, save it again. Save as completed, which means that it is still saved as a draft and not posted yet. Save as completed. Posting is only available above 0.
Okay, now I’m going to delete it. So I delete the park document. Deleted. So it will not be posted. Park document is deleted. What other options we have? That’s it. If the manager wants to reject the document instead of posting it, you can delete it totally, but you can also use another option called rejecting it. Let’s do it now. 100. Park it. Document 10 is parked. Come here, park document, reject. I’m going to reject this. Enter. Press enter for release. Reject. It will be rejected.
Ok, but you need to configure certain things in order for the rejection formula to work, but that will complicate the whole thing, so better not use this, but this just for your information that this can be configured to do the rejection.
Okay, see this, upload variant for release approval and all, you need to configure all those things. Release the approval paths for parking document. That is the purpose of parking. A lot of configurations that need to be done in order for you to use all these things.
In order for you to use the reject pack document function, I’m not going to explain this because it is going to complicate the whole thing. We will just use a simple procedure, which is just to delete the reject park document for the information only. We can explore this later if your client really wants this function.
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