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Hold Document

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Hold Document

Okay, let’s go to the next topic now, which is hold document. Hold document is like saving draft copy while you’re editing a document when you want to post it if you don’t have certain information, or if you want to have a break, you want to save it as a draft first, you don’t want to fully post, save it as a draft, and then, come back and modify the document later on, you can use this option.

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Let’s say you have entered the date and the document header tags, sample, and you have entered the G/L account, and you haven’t entered the other line item, but you want to save this as a draft. You don’t want to completely lose it, and you want to get it.



You want to continue editing later on. You just press this, whole document, and temporary document number. This is a freely definable document number. It doesn’t pick from the document number range that we defined in the system. You can enter anything you want. Just enter, one.



One will do. One was held. You go back. Quit the screen. The system will not post the document to the database, okay? You just save it as a draft. No account figures will be modified. Then you come back after one day or two days, or on the same day itself, and you want to get the same document. Come here, select all document. Select it. Click continue. See, all of it loaded. Now, you can continue editing and post it, as simple as that. It’s a good tool that you can use to save the document as a draft.



Let’s go to the next topic.


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