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Assign Posting Period Variant To Company Code

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Assign Posting Period Variant To Company Code

Hello, let me show you how to assign the posting period variant to the company code.

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Okay. In fact, I’ve already shown you how to assign it to a company code in the earlier topic itself when I created the posting period variant. But since we have a specific topic on assigning the posting period variant to company code, let me show it to you again. I need to create it again because I’ve deleted it just now. Test, posting period variant, save it.



Okay. It’s saved. Let me show you, it’s saved here. See, it’s saved, right?



So just come here and assign variant to company code. As I told you earlier, you have two ways of assigning it to company code. The first way is we use this table here. It’s a company code. It’s a posting period variant. I’ll just go to Sun company code. It’s already assigned to a different posting period variant, which is 1000. I just have to change test here because that’s our test posting period, and then, save it.



The other way is you can assign it directly in the global parameter. Here, you already know about this. It doesn’t really matter which option you choose to assign the posting period variant. If you assign here, it will be updated in the global parameters. If you update in the global parameters directly, it will also be updated here, so it doesn’t really matter. Okay, let us go to next topic.



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