Creating New User Ids And Changing Passwords
Okay, now we’ll see how to create a new user ID. That’s our next topic here.
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Let me close this. A lot of sessions are open here. Let me close some of them. Okay. Now, how to create a new user ID? New SAP logon ID, right? Let’s go to tools, administration, user maintenance, users, or simply as U01.
Say you want to create a new user called test, or you don’t create a user from scratch, you just copy from the existing user. The test from SAP user to test. This is our existing user ID, right? From SAP user, I want to create a new user ID called test user, and what are the information that I want to copy from the SAP user? I also want to copy the address as well, so now, I copy. It’s advisable to copy from the existing user, so that you don’t need to set many things.
See, now I created a test user, you just have to change the password here. Initial password and save it. I’m going to put 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and that’s it. That should be all right. You can enter the user’s name, Test. All these are copied from the existing SAP user.
You can also specify the defaults here. Whatever is specified in the system on-data. Okay, this is another place where you can set it. We update it there. Parameters, you know what is parameters, and this is where we’ll assign the roles and profiles for this user. Roles and profiles are used to define which are the screens that this user can access. The basis guy will do this for you. You don’t need to know all that. See, now this user is assigned to access all the screens that are available in the SAP. That’s why it’s assigned to SAP, all because we copied this from SAP user. Alright, just change it, and you have the user. I’m not going to change.
Okay, if you want to change your password, SAP user password, just come here and change password here. Here’s one more way to change your password. Or, if you want to lock this user, you can use this. If you want to delete this user totally, you can use this. Alright, if you want to edit some information, you can use this. Alright. Simple.