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SAP FICO Reports and Balances

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SAP FICO Reports and Balances

Hello, everyone. In today’s session, we’ll learn about reports and balances in SAP FICO. Now under this section, we’ll cover all the topics which we have covered earlier, and we’ll see what are the reports which we can run. That are the standard reports which we can run under these modules. And furthermore we’ll see what is the SAP menu path for these topics which we have covered.

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Now under the reports and balances, we’ll see the financial statement version under this section. Then we’ll see the designing of a balance sheet and the designing of profit and loss. Then we’ll see assigning of accounts to FSV. Then we’ll see what is general ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, fixed assets, bank and cash, and travel management. So all these topics which we’ll be covering under this session will have its SAP menu path, that is the cross application path. And we’ll see what are the programs and other reports covered this sections.

Now first, here, we’ll see the report code and the description for each of this sessions, which we have covered earlier.

So report code, that is, the transaction codes for displaying vendor line items are FBL1, FBL1N, FBL2, and FBL2N. Then for displaying general ledger line items, the report codes are FBL3, FBL3N, FBL4, FBL4N. And for displaying customer line items, we have FBL5, FBL5N, FBL6, FBL6N. So this were for line items display. Now next, we’ll see how to display general ledger balances. We have report code that the transaction code is FS10N Then for displaying vendor ledger balances, we have FK10N Then for displaying customer ledger balances, we have FD10N and for displaying document listing related to general ledger, then accounts receivable and accounts payable, we have FB03. So these are the report codes and the transaction codes which we use for displaying the details of general ledger, vendor ledger, and customers.

Financial Statement Version

Now first, we’ll see what is the financial statement version. Now this is the SAP menu path for defining the financial statement version.

Now here, we’ll go via SAP customizing implementation guide. From there, we’ll have to go under financial accounting, then we’ll go to general ledger accounting, then under that we have periodic accounting where we’ll find document, under that we have defined financial statement versions. So once we click on that, we’ll get a screen where we have to maintain the financial statement version details.

So here we have taken an example of Greaves Group’s FSB. So this is the example where we’ll maintain our financial statement version. Now after this, we’ll maintain a balance sheet for this financial statement versions.

Designing of Balance Sheet

So here, we’ll see how to design a balance sheet for that example. So here, once we click enter, we’ll get a screen where it will give the balance sheet for that particular example that is Greaves Group’s FSV.

So this is the balance sheet for that particular version.

Designing of Profit & Loss

Now next, we’ll see how to define or that is designing of a profit and loss. So here, this is how we’ll design the profit and loss account. Now here we have the income, the expenditure, then the appropriations, etc. So these are the profit and loss statement.

That is the income and the expenditures for that particular company. That is for that particular company, that is Greaves Group. Now if in order we need to create a new item, then we’ll click on create items and provide the necessary information. So here we can create the items by create clicking on this create items button. This is how we design the profit and loss statements. Now here, once we click on that new items, that is create new items, we’ll get a screen where we have to maintain the items.

Now here, we have to maintain the profit and loss accounts. Now under this, except profit and loss, the remaining items will need to be maintained. So here, apart from profit and loss, we’ll maintain the start of group.

So here we have maintained source of funds, then end of group where it will find the total of those funds. Then at the end, it will display the total. And after maintaining this, we’ll click on this continue button. So this is how we maintain the profit and loss. So these are the statements which are entered. So profit and loss notes to the accounts.

These are the things which we have mentioned under this particular profit and loss. Now after this, we’ll see how to assign the accounts to FSV.

Assigning of Accounts to FSV

So here for assigning general ledger accounts to an item, we’ll click on assign items under that same financial versions. Then we’ll provide the single accounts or range of accounts to be clubbed under the same item head. Now in this case, we require any account to change location. In case of debit or credit, we can use the D/C checkbox. If in case we need to change location, so you will use D/C checkboxes. So this is how we assign accounts to FSV. And to display the FSV, we’ll use FSE2 to transaction code for displaying the details. So this is how we assign the accounts. Now next, we’ll see general ledger. So here, before going to general ledger, let us see what we have seen under financial statement version. We have seen how to design the balance sheet, design profit and loss, and how to assign the accounts to FSV. And for viewing the FSV, we’ll go to FSV2 transaction code.

General Ledger

Next, we’ll see general ledger. This is the SAP menu path for general ledger.

Here, we’ll go to general ledger reports. There, we’ll have to go under this general tab. There we’ll find the general ledger accounts, where here we have general ledger account balances, transaction codes, here we have total and balances transaction codes, and structure account balance, and average balance. So these are the reports, or we can say the transaction codes, from which we can go under the general ledger. This is general ledger reports. Now here we have something called as printing of profit and loss sheets, data, and financial statement version. So here this is a standard report for this particular profit and loss accounts and balance sheets.

Now here they are groups of information as per schedule, which companies act up to the profit center level. First is the trial balance up to profit center level. So standard report is this. Then for comparative figures for the last same period for financial year, the standard report is this, and for cash flow according to AS3 might not get full proof report, we’ll use this. Then for actual versus planned figures comparison and variance of the same, we’ll use this particular standard report, that is financial statement standard report. And for segment reporting, primary and secondary segments will use these two standard reports. So these are the details of the reports which we use for SAP Finance. This is under general ledger. Now next, we’ll see what are the reports under accounts receivable.

Accounts Receivable

So this is the report path, reports for accounts receivable accounting, where we have customer balances, customer items and master data. So these are the reports for accounts receivable.

Accounts Payable

Then for accounts payable, we have this particular reports. That is vendor balances, vendor items, master data and payment transactions.

So these are the standard reports for accounts payable section. After accounts payable, we have something called as fixed assets.

Fixed Assets

So under fixed assets, we have asset balances, then inventory list, and leased assets.

So these are the reports for fixed assets. After leased assets, now here we’ll see the report selection criteria based on cost accounting, depreciation forecast, then valuation, and preparing for closing international, then day to day activities.

So these are the different report selections for fixed assets. After fixed assets, we have something called as bank and cash.

Bank & Cash

Now under bank and cash, we have reports based on information systems, like payment advice notes, under which we have bills of exchange accounting.

So these are related to bank and cash transaction, cash as in payment transactions. And last, we’ll see travel management.

Travel Management

Under travel management, we have reports on trip statistics, then diverse trip reports. Then under travel expense, after diverse trip reports, we have travel planning, where we have flight reports, hotel reports, car rental reports, or global reports.

So this travel management, that is travel expense and travel planning, are used under payroll, that is, under HR section. So this is related to travel management. So this is the last topic, which we have covered under this reports and balances session.

Let us summarize what we have learned under this reports and balances session. First we have gone through the financial statement version, where we have seen how to design a balance sheet, how to design profit and loss, and how to assign the accounts to FSV. So after FSV, we have seen how to display the FSV by using the transaction code FFV2. Now after this, we have seen reports based on general ledgers, accounts receivable, accounts payable, fixed assets, bank and cash, and travel management. So we have seen the reports based on the SAP menu path. So these were the topics which we have covered in the reports and balances and how these standard reports are used for all of the topics which we have discussed earlier.