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SAP CO Planning

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SAP CO Planning

Hello everyone! In today’s session, we’ll learn about planning in database related to finance domain. Now in our previous sessions, we have learned about month and activities and year end activities related to finance. Now here, we’ll require planning for the master data, which are stored in the SAP system. Now the course content contains planning at profit center level using transaction code GP12N and uploading the plan data from Excel sheet into the system using transaction code GLPLUP.

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Now first, we’ll see planning at profit center level. This is the SAP menu path for GP12N.

We’ll go to accounting, then financial accounting, then we have general ledger, then under that we’ll go to periodic processing, then planning, and under that we have planned values. So first we’ll enter the planned values. That is the profit center level. We’ll use the transaction code GP12N. Now here when we enter the transaction code, we’ll have to maintain some planner profile. So here we’ll maintain the planner profile as SAPFAGL, and then we’ll press the continue button. Then we’ll have the screen where we have to maintain the summary table, that is the selection of tables is to be done. So here we’ll maintain the summary table, and then we’ll press the continue button.

After maintaining the summary table, we’ll have a screen where we have to maintain the plan data change characteristics. So here we’ll maintain the data like from period to period, then profit center, company code, general ledger details. Then we’ll have to maintain a version, fiscal year, currency, and account number and to date. So these are the layout details, which needs to be maintained for plan data change characteristics.

Let us see in detail what are these plan data characteristics.

Now give from period and to period. So here for the period 4, which we want to plan for the company needs to be specified in that field. Then for profit center, we’ll maintain the profit center, which we are planning for. Then we have to maintain the company code then general ledger. The general ledger will be the planning can be done one ledger wise at a time we’ll be doing planning for SL in general. So this is the general ledger.

Then we have fiscal year, that is the financial year. So we have to mention the year of the planning. Then we have to maintain an appropriate company currency, so here it will be INR. Then we have to maintain the account number that is to and from, so we have to maintain the range of the GL accounts for which the planning is to be done. So these are the details which need to be maintained for planning a data.

Next, we have something called as form based entry. Now here what is form based entry? This indicator is showing whether the current planning session is performed with layout planning, that is that indicator is activated or not. So if we activate the form based planning indicator, all objects with master data are displayed, regardless of whether the objects have been already planned or not. The same structure of characteristics values is displayed in each planning session and if we do not activate the indicator, only objects already planned are shown. We can plan new characteristics here if we wish and insert them in the rows. So this is the form based planning. So we need to activate that indicator, that is layout planning indicator. Next we have free entry of unplanned records.

So here there is an indicator which shows whether the planning transaction in the free entry mode is carried out or not. So that it should be active indicator. Now in free entry mode, only those characteristic values for which planned data already exist in the data bank will be displayed. New characteristics values can be entered and inserted in the rows. As a rule, all the characteristics values are shown in the header area.

So in the controlling payroll, all characteristics within interval are specified in the selection conditions also displayed the planning characteristics values in the header. So in order to keep the processing load on the SAP system, we do this type of settings. So that was our free entry mode. Now what happens if there is a form entry mode, All the characteristics values with valid master data for characteristics will be displayed in the rows, and no new characteristics values can be entered. So this is for free entry and planned records, and we have seen about form entry based records.

Now here for viewing the layouts for the input values we need to use a layout that is the layout which we have maintained for profit center planning and use layout 0FAGL-06 for cost center planning. So for profit center, we’ll use 0FAGL-01.

Now we have maintained the master data, that is the planning data characteristics for profit center. Now we have to maintain a distribution key also for this. So we have key 1, key 2, and key 3. That is key 0. So key 1 is for equal distribution. Key 2 is for respective period distribution and key 0 is for manual distribution. So here after entering this data, once we press the enter button, then we’ll get this particular screen where the details are maintained for that particular plan data.

This is called as the cumulative values for this particular profit center. Now here we have some distribution keys. So here 0 is maintained for manual distribution in our case. So here, now we can distribute the expense month wise. Now after this, we’ll have to select the account head, that is this line, the account head. And we’ll have to click on this icon on the top of the screen. So once we click on this icon, we’ll get the expense monthly wise distributed screen.

So here we get the monthly wise equally distributed screen or we can say manually distribution screen with the details of the planned data changed period value. So this is the planning for profit center level.

Uploading Plan Data from Excel Sheet (GLPLUP)

Next we’ll see how to upload the planned data from an excel sheet. So here we’ll use a transaction code, GLPLUP. So this is the screen which we’ll get for uploading the plan data from an excel sheet.

Now here we’ll have to provide the details. We have to select either import single file or file directory. And we have to provide the path from that directory. Then we can select this operator for that file like semicolon or colon or we can have a tab separated file in the system.

So this is the file, which we need to upload. Then we have this particular data for that particular file. Now the data has to be created in excel and it can only be uploaded in the tabs. That is tab delimited format.

So you can create this format by saving this file in this particular fashion. File name and saving that type as text tab delimited. So here we’ll have the file as this format cost center ‘profitcenter1.txt’. This is how we save the file, and then we’ll click on the save button. Now in order to view this report, which we have created, we can go to the transaction code S_PL0_86000029.

Or you can follow this particular navigation path for viewing the financial statement, that is plan statement. So this is the screen which we’ll get. Here we have to maintain the profit center for which we need to check. Then we have to maintain this report selection settings.

So here this is the general ledger setting. This is the financial statement. Then the version, the fiscal year, and the from and to period. And then we’ll click on the execute button for viewing those entries.

So this was the uploading of planned data from the excel sheet. Now here we come to an end of this session, that is on planning of the master data. So here we have learned about how to do a planning at profit center level using transaction code GP12N. And we have seen how to upload the plant data from an excel sheet using transaction code GLPLUP, and also we have seen how to use a report for checking the data from an excel sheet.