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Billing Document, Excise Invoice, Customer Analysis

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Billing Document, Excise Invoice, Customer Analysis

After displaying the sales order, let us see how to display the billing document. Now here, we’ll use the transaction code FV03. So this is the transaction code display view for billing document, VFO3.

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Here, we’ll have to provide the billing document number in this field, and then we’ll press the enter button. Now once we press the enter button, we’ll get this domestic view for billing items.

Now here, when we get this view, we can click on the accounting document button that is this accounting button to view the accounting document. Now once we click on this accounting document button, we’ll get a list of documents with the created text type. Now here, we’ll select our appropriate document number, and we’ll click on this click icon. Now once we click on this icon, we’ll get the display document overview.

So this is how we view the billing document details. This is the general ledger view for this particular document number. Also, we can view a data entry view for this document by clicking on this entry view. So this is how we check the billing document by providing the billing document number using transaction code VF03. Then we can view the list of the documents and the details of this document by general ledger view and data entry view. Now, next, we’ll see how to create an excise invoice.

Creation of Excise Invoice (J1IIN)

So here, the transaction code we’ll use is J1IIN. This is the SAP menu path. First, we’ll go to Indirect Taxes, then Sales or Outbound movement, Excise Invoice, then Outgoing excise, and then we’ll click on Create/Change/Display. So first, we’ll click on the create button, that is J1IIN. Now the purpose of using this transaction is for creating excise invoice with reference to a billing document. So we have seen how to display a billing document. Now we’ll see how to create an excise invoice with related to that billing document. There are some prerequisites which need to be taken care of. First is the excise invoice has to be created with reference to a billing document. Every time the excise invoice we create it is referenced to a billing doc, So a billing document number should already be generated. Then the billing document has to be released to the FI and last, the posting date of the billing document. So these are the 3 prerequisites, which we need to take care of by creating an excise invoice. So here, this is the screen, which we’ll get from billing.

So here, when we go to this screen, we’ll have to click on this particular button that is from billing, so click on this from billing to create an excise invoice with reference to a billing document So, here once we click on this, the excise invoice we’ll create will be referred to that particular billing document. So here, we’ll click on this from billing. And then we’ll get this particular screen, that is create excise invoice for factory sale. And we’ll get this screen where we have to enter the billing document number and the posting date. Now after entering these details, we’ll press the enter button. And we’ll get this invoice screen.

So here in this screen, if everything is okay, that is all the details are correct related that particular billing document, we’ll click on the excise invoice button, that is, get excise invoice button to check the entries. So here after checking all the details, we’ll click on the get excise invoice button Once we click on that button, we’ll get this particular screen.

So after the invoice has been generated, we’ll get this details for that particular excise invoice, that is the document flow for this invoice. Here we have the  documents and the date where it was created. This is how we create an excise invoice related to a billing document. And last, we’ll see what is a customer analysis.

Customer Analysis (FD11)

Now, here we’ll use the transaction code FD11. So this is the customer analysis initial screen.

Here we’ll have to provide the customer name, the company code and the fiscal year. So after this we’ll press on the enter button and then we’ll get the customer analysis view. Now once we click on the enter button we have different tabs where we have the details for the customer analysis account balance.

So here we have first is account balance, then we’ll get Sales, Special GL account details, OI Net, OI Discount and reduction of interest. Now here first this screen shows the display of the account balance. So here we have the period or the debit and credit for that particular period. So this customer has this account balance.

So this is the balance sheet for that particular customer. Next, we have a sales tab. So this will give the details of the sales which is related to that customer during this particular period. Then we have special GL, that is, general ledger details for that customer. So here we have the details for special general ledger with the customer and the balance in the document currencies.

So this is the output which we’ll get when we have to check the customer analysis.

And this is the discount, that is the open item discount details for this customer. We have items due payments and account due for payment or receivables. So these are the details for open item discounts. And last, we have deductions or interest in this fiscal year.

So this is the deductions and interest in the fiscal year details for this customer data. So this is the customer analysis view for customer data. Now here we come to an end for this session, which was on sales and distribution. Let us summarize what we have learned from the sales and distribution session.

Now, here we have seen the process of how the sales and distribution comes into picture for finance. [insert here Then we have seen the comparison of master data from sales and distribution to finance accounting. And we have seen how a reconciliation account field has been captured under this master data from sales and distribution. Now for finding out that missing account, that is reconciliation account data field, we’ll use the transaction code OV50 for comparing that master data comparison. Then we have seen how to display a sales order by using a transaction code FV03. Then we have seen how to display the billing document using transaction code VFO3. Then we have seen how to create an excise invoice with reference to this billing document using transaction code J1IIN. And last, we have seen customer analysis using transaction code FD11. So here it will give the details of the customer, which we have created like details like open items, general ledger details, account details etcetera So these are the topics which we have covered under sales and distribution.