Cash Journal
Last under bank and cash transactions, we’ll see about cash journals. Now the transaction code used for cash journals is FBCJ. Under cash journals, we’ll see how to do the splitting of cash journal entries, how to make cash payments to vendors or customers, and how to do reversal of the cash journals.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Let us see what is cash journal. Now here under FBCJ transaction code, we have to provide a company code in which the entry for that particular cash journal needs to be made.
We have to specify the date of entry into the journal. So after providing these details, click on the continue button. After that, we’ll get a next screen.
Now here if cash payment needs to be entered, we’ll go to the tab Cash Payments and select a business transaction for expenses or vendor payments. Now for cash payments, we’ll go to this tab, we’ll select a business transaction, which is for expense or for vendor payments. After that, we’ll get a screen where we have the details of this particular business transaction.
Now here we’ll enter the amount of receipt and the GL account to which debit posting has to be made. Now in case of expenses, we’ll ensure that the relevant cost center has been specified in the line item. We’ll specify a text or narration, that is a short description, wherever applicable, and we’ll post that particular entry. An accounting document gets generated and the cash balance now gets updated by the amount of the payment entered. In case if multiple line items needs to be entered in a single cash payment, the icon for split needs to be selected and details entered therein. So here we’ll provide the details like the account number, amount, vendor details, posting date, etc and we’ll click on the split option if multiple line item needs to be selected. So here we have multiple options, so we’ll have selected this split option. Then after that we’ll get a balance display sheet, where it will give the details of all the debits and credits along with the closing balance details for that particular document.
So this is the balance display for that period.
Next, if we want to make receipts, that is, cash receipts, then we’ll go to Cash Receipts and we’ll select the business transaction for that receipt.
After selecting that business transaction we’ll get a screen, which will give the details of that particular business transaction. So here we’ll have to select the business transaction. In our case the receipt is Cash receipt is received from bank, so we’ll select this. After selecting this, we’ll get a screen where it will display the balance of that particular period.
Now here we’ll have to enter the amount of the receipt and the GL account to which the credit posting has to be made, then we have to specify an applicable short description to it. Then we’ll finally post that entry. Now an accounting document gets generated and the cash balance now gets updated by the amount of the receipt entered. Now here daily balances of cash account can be known from the side screens. So here for printing this cash journal, we’ll click on the print cash journal button. Then after clicking that we’ll get a screen where it will give the display of the opening balance and the closing balance for that cash.
This is how we do the Cash journal process.
Now under cash journal, first we’ll see how to do the splitting of cash journal entries. Now here if we want to have more than one line in a single cash voucher, we can have split option. If we use another line in the main screen, it will create another document with separate document number. So split option will only generate one document. So here if you want to provide multiple entries, we’ll click on this particular split option under that single cash voucher.
If we use another line, now here if we put another business transaction, then it will create another document and the split option will only generate one document. This is how we do the splitting of the cash general entries under same cash voucher.
Here it has shown that what happens once we click on the split option. So here this option is used to split multiple lines in a single voucher. So here once you click on this option, we’ll get a screen where we can provide the details of the business transaction. So this is under same cash voucher.
Now we’ll provide all the details like the GL account payment amount, cost center, profit center, and click on the copy button. The original screen comes back and will post the transaction by clicking on the post selection screen.
After that once the document is posted, we can see the accounting entry posted by clicking on the follow on document. So by clicking on this, we can see the documents that is posted, that is, the entries which are posted under that document. Now, here after clicking on follow on document, we’ll get a list of documents which are posted. So we’ll select our document number and after selecting this, that is we’ll click on the accounting document and we’ll get this particular screen with the list of the entries that are posted under that document.
Now here if we want to print the cash payment or the receipt voucher, we can click on the receipt icon and will give the printer output name, that is lp01 in our case. After this, we’ll click on this continue button. Now once we click on the continue button, we’ll get the print preview of that particular check, that is a cash journal.
This is how we do the splitting of the records in a cash journal.
Now next we’ll see how to do the cash payment to the vendors or the customers. Now here, as we can pay by cash or we can receive cash for the general ledger account, we can also receive or pay cash to the vendors and customers. Now don’t mention any general ledger account code. Here we’ll select the business transaction type and mention only the vendor and the customer code. And if advance payments are there, the system will automatically take the special GL indicators and post to the advance accounts. So this is how we do the cash payment to the vendors and the customers.
So here we’ll provide the cash payments to the vendor or the customer by providing the details like GL account number, amount, the vendor number, etc. And then we’ll click on the split icon, if there are multiple vouchers to be provided in the same cash expense. And after that, we’ll click on the copy icon and then we’ll click the post selection icon to post this particular entry.
And then we can view these entries by clicking on the follow on document icon. So once we click on this follow on document icon, we can view the entries by selecting our appropriate documents. So this is how we do the payment method to the vendor or the customer.
Now last, under cash journal, we’ll see how to do the reversal of the cash journal. Now here if any mistake has happened or we need to reverse any transaction, we’ll select the line item and click on the delete button at the bottom corner and the following message will appear.
So this message states that this entry will be reversed. Do you want to reverse the entry? So we’ll click on the Yes tab. After clicking on the yes tab, we’ll get a new dialog box where we have to provide a reason for the reversal. So we’ll give the reason for the reversal and we’ll select the continue button. So once we click on the continue button, a new entry will be passed with the document status as “X”.
Now here in the cash journal box, we have to provide the business transaction. So here the document status will be given as X, for which the reversal of the cash journal has been done. So after this, we’ll get the document status under this X mark for that particular business transaction.