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Customer Advance and Clearing Advance

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Customer Advance and Clearing Advance

Next we’ll see how to do the clearing of the opened line items in the GL account. So, here we’ll use a transaction code F-03. 

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So, here we’ll have to provide the account number and the company code. So here the account number is 2400091 and the company code is 1000. So this is the header data section. After providing these details we’ll click on the process open items. So after that we’ll get a screen where we can clear the open items in this particular GL account. 


Next, we’ll see Customer Advance using transaction code F29. Now let us see how we do that. 

Here in customer advance we have to give the header data. Now customer advance means advance provided to that customer, so this is the customer down payment. Now here we’ll provide the customer data that is the account under which that particular customer has been paid. Then the bank details like the account number and the amount to be paid in advance. And we’ll select the special GL indicator. Now here we’ll select the indicator as 2 that is customer advance, then only the system will accept the transaction. So, that is the important indication that is the indicator 2 which we need to select for customer advance. Now if you remember we have done the same settings in the accounts payables session, where we have to provide the down payment that is the invoice payment to a particular vendor, that is the advance payment which we have done. There also we have selected the GL indicator as 2. So, after providing the settings we’ll click on the enter button. After that we’ll get a screen where we have to put the tax deduction details if there are any deductions to be made. 

After all those changes are done we’ll click on the simulate icon and then we’ll post that particular document. So once we click on the simulate icon we’ll get a document overview where all the changes done are correct then we’ll click on the save button After clicking on the save button it will generate a document number. This is how we do the advance payment. 

So, here is the document overview Here if all the changes are correct we’ll click on the save button that is we’ll save this document and we’ll get a document number which is generated at the end stating that a document was posted in company code 1000. So, this is how we do the advance payment. 


Next we’ll see how to do the clearing of that advance payment. We’ll use a transaction code F-39. 

Now here we’ll provide the customer data details in this particular section and then will click on the Process Down Payment icon. Now before that will remove the values in the invoice reference field. So here if any value is provided in the reference field we’ll remove that value and will click on the Process Down Payment icon. Once we click on that we’ll get a screen where it will give the details of the down payment to be done. 

So here it has given the details for the transfer of the posting. So, here 12,000 is the amount to be posted. So, after this we’ll click on the Simulate icon or we’ll directly go to Document and we’ll click on the Simulation button. After clicking on that we’ll get a screen where it will give the details of that particular document. 


So, these are the line items, that is items which we have maintained. So, the transfer amount was 12,000 in our previous screen. Now, here we’ll select this particular line item which is in blue color, so we’ll click on the blue color line item. Now, once we click on that we’ll get a screen with the details of that particular line item. 

Now, here we’ll fill the missing values, so here the Text field is the field which we need to fill. So, here we’ll give the appropriate text and we’ll save this document. As soon as we save the document we’ll get a document number generated stating that this document number was posted in company code 1000. So, this is how we do the clearing of the down payment with the customer. 


Next we’ll see how to do the refund of the advance payments to the customer. Now here we’ll use a transaction code F-31 or F-18. Let us see how we do that.  Here in case of any payments made to the customer for refund of advance or any other purpose, we can use a transaction code F-31 or F-18. Or we can use the below SAP menu path.

Now here we’ll go to Accounts Receivable, then under that we’ll go to Document Entry, then we’ll go to Others part where we have the transaction code F-31 and F-18. So F-31 is for outgoing payments and F-18 is for outgoing payments plus we’ll get a print copy of that particular payment. Now if you remember we have done the same thing posting a payment and printing that form in the vendor section. Now similar to that we’ll do the advance payment to the customer and will print that particular form. 

Now here we’ll give the header data details like bank data details and the company code details. Now after providing these details we’ll click on the Process Open Items button. Once we click on that we’ll get the overview where it will give the details of the outgoing payments made to that particular customer. 

Now here we have the partial payments which are done to that customer, we’ll select that respective line and we’ll click on the save button. Once we click on the save button we’ll get a document generated at the end and we’ll get a pop up message stating that that document was posted in the company code 1000. So this is how we make the outgoing payments to the particular customer.


Now last in the accounts receivable section we’ll see how to clear the customer invoices with advances. Now here we’ll use a transaction code F-32 for clearing the customer invoices. 

Now here we’ll give the account number that is the account details and the company code details. Now here we’ll select the special GL indicator as 2 that is customer advance, and we’ll click the check button as checkbox as Normal OI. 

Now after that we’ll click on the Process Open Items and then it will give the details of all the open items for that particular customer. 

So these are the open items for this customer once we click on the Process Open Item icon. Now here in this particular screen, we have to provide the payment amount to that customer. So here we’ll give the payment amount details to that particular customer in the Partial Payment tab. 

Now after that the Journal Entry passed in the system for clearing the transaction will be as follows:

So, this is how we make the Journal Entry pass in the particular view. So, this is the General Ledger View of that particular customer.