Import Process
After accounts payable, next we’ll see the import process. Now under import process here we’ll take an example of a purchase order. So here we’ll use the transaction code ME21N for purchase order. Now under this purchase order, we’ll see about purchase order item data, then we’ll see the conditions tab while selecting the custom duty conditions, and we’ll change the custom vendor conditions if required. So here we’ll go to the transaction code ME21N.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Now here in the document overview section we’ll get the details of all the purchase orders which we have created. So, here we’ll select the purchase order, so, once we double click on this purchase order we’ll get the details on the right hand side. Now here in this particular icon once we click on this we’ll get the header data which we have maintained for that purchase order that is for that particular vendor. Our vendor name is at the top of the screen. Then here it will display the line item details maintained for that particular vendor. Now here in this particular section it will display the item details for this particular vendor with the amount, the condition values and the name for that particular vendor. So here in this details, we need to click the appropriate detail name with the amount and we’ll click on the search icon. Now after clicking on that search icon we’ll get a screen where we have to maintain the condition values like the amount and the condition value.
Now here in our example we are using the currency as INR, so we’ll provide the amount for the INR currency.
Now here in the above screen the system will show the vendor code details. Now at present we are proposing the condition record for MEK1. So we’ll clear that amount by using the transaction code ZIF1 condition, and we’ll do the same things for providing the vendor. So in the previous screen, we have the condition value as 14,000. And the condition value was 16.94. So here in this screen, we’ll change the amount to 1,000 and the currency is INR and we’ll change the condition value to 18.02. So, after changing this condition values we’ll click on the enter button.
Now here after clicking on that we’ll get the next screen, where we have the purchase order number for that particular plan that is 1320. So we have to maintain this settings for the purchase order. So here we’ll do that settings that is the custom duty vendor invoice settings for that particular vendor using a transaction code MIRO. So here we’ll go to transaction code MIRO and we’ll maintain those settings for that vendor. So now here in this screen we have to first provide the currency for that particular vendor.
So here first we’ll provide the INR value, that is the Indian currency, so here we’ll provide the amount as INR. Then we’ll provide the purchase order number So here we’ll provide the purchase order number, so this is the purchase order number in our example. And then we’ll select the plan delivery cost in this above field. After selecting this we’ll press on the enter button. Now once we click enter button it will generate a window that is a dialog box where we have to select the appropriate vendor.
Now our vendor is this first line. So here we’ll click on this first line and we’ll click on the continue button So once we click on that continue button we’ll get the vendor details in this particular window.
So our vendor details is vendor Custom Comm. So here once we click on this vendor details we’ll get the item details for that vendor with the net PO value and the purchase order and with the item details. Now this is the details for the vendor. Now we have to maintain the same settings for this particular purchase order in the PO reference. So we’ll copy all the net PO values from this particular part to the amount value and we’ll maintain the quantity for that. Let us see how do we do that, So this is how we get the amount value and quantity value So we’ll copy all the net PO values from that particular field and paste it into the amount column. And we’ll put that quantity as 1 in each column as shown here.
This is how we maintain the pure reference settings. Now here, once we do those settings, we’ll select all the line items under under that particular PO reference. And then we’ll click on the simulate icon and then we’ll click on the save icon.
So this is how we create the invoice using a transaction code MIRO. Once all the changes are done, we’ll get a green color indicator which indicates that it is ready for posting. Now after clicking on the simulate icon, we’ll get the detail where it will give the simulate document in INR currency, that is the document currency in INR.
Now here we have the material document number that is 5105600324. This document number will be generated once we post that particular document. So we’ll go to MIGO transaction code that is MIGO for goods received. This is used for goods received.
Now here we’ll provide the purchase order number as shown. So here we’ll give the purchase order number which we have used earlier.
After this we’ll get a screen where we’ll provide the Miro document number and the year. So this is the document number that is the material number And we’ll provide the financial year that is 2008 And then we’ll click on the continue icon. Now this commercial number will be the invoice number which we got from that purchase order generation. Once we click on this continue button we’ll get this particular screen with the details of that particular purchase order.
After this, we’ll select item on checkbox in the above screen and fill all the mandatory fields and click on the post button. Then we’ll release the goods from block stock, we’ll select the A05 document type as shown below in the MIGO transaction. And we’ll provide the purchase order number, which the system will propose due to the below screen and we’ll again provide the Miro document number.
So in that previous screen we’ll do all the changes which are required we’ll select the checkboxes and we’ll provide the details which are required for that particular purchase order. Once we provide these details we’ll click on the enter button and then we’ll get the screen where we have to provide the MIRO document number and the financial year date. And then we’ll click on the continue button. After clicking on the continue button, we’ll get a screen where it will give the excise invoice number which we have provided along with the invoice date.
Now here in this particular tab we’ll have to provide the plant details and the storage location details.
Now here we’ll fill the excise invoice number and date, and we’ll provide the storage location as mentioned. And then we’ll select the item in that screen and we’ll click the checkbox OK So here we have checked the item OK checkbox in this particular screen And then we’ll click on the post button. Now we’ll see for the GR fi entry in this particular screen. Now in this screen it will give the company code s 1000 and the line items which are created for this particular company code. So these are the details which we’ll get once we fill all the details from the previous screen.
Now here this is the GR fi entry. This is how it looks.
Now here first we’ll do the invoice verification for the import vendor in the same process. So for that we’ll go to the transaction code Miro, where we’ll select the PO reference as Goods/ Services Item + Planned Delivery Cost and then we’ll provide the appropriate purchase order number. Now here in the above screen we’ll select this item And we’ll provide the purchase order and we’ll click on the enter button.
Now once we click on the enter button we’ll get all the details in this particular window. Now here we’ll scroll down for getting all the line items in order. Then similar to these previous purchase order settings we’ll copy the amount value from the net PO value and we’ll provide the quantity for that particular line item. After that the system will show all the lines which are deselected or which we have selected.
So here we’ll deselect the lines which are not relevant for import vendor, so here we have selected 9, 10, 11, 12. Now here the amount is filled only for 9, 10 and 12. So here we’ll deselect the line 11 as shown in the screen. So this particular line item is not relevant for the vendor, so here we’ll deselect that line.
After that we’ll click on the simulate button and then we’ll post this particular line items.
Now, here for posting clearing forwarding agent invoice, we’ll go to transaction code Miro. So, we’ll go back again to that particular transaction code for posting clearing forwarding agent invoice. So, here in the below screen, we’ll put the currency in this section as INR.
And then we’ll provide the purchase order number. And then we’ll select the planned delivery cost. And then we’ll press on the enter button. Once we click on the enter button we’ll get a screen to choose the vendor. So here we’ll choose the vendor as Import Custom Clearance for clearing and posting. Once we select this respective vendor we’ll get the details in this screen for the line items, then we’ll simulate and post those entries.
So after that we’ll get a screen where it will give the document currency details. These are the two line items with the currency details for the particular document. So, this is how we do the import process for that vendor. We have seen how to do the import process for clearing of that vendor using the transaction code MIRO and MIGO.