Document Reversal
Okay, let’s do these two now. I’m going to post the sales of 3000 and then reverse it later on, because not all the time you’ll post documents which doesn’t need any correction. Sometimes, you might post a document wrongly and then you want to correct it. In SAP, you cannot just simply delete the document which are posted, so in order to correct a document which is posted, you need to reverse posting to reverse out the amount. I’m going to show you how it works. Alright, let me just post the sales first.
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Same thing. Let’s go to document entry. FB70, yeah. Once again, accounting, financial accounting, account receivable, document entry. Choose the customer, which is the second customer. Let me just choose. Let me change the company code.
But before that, remember we posted invoice just now, let us check the customer balance now. Go here, go here and go here, account, display balances, change your line items. This is where you can check the customer balances.
I want to show you how to check the customer balance. This is the customer account that we posted to, right, and the customer code, company code is this one, Sun. This is our company code, just choose all items, enter now.
You see this? This is the document that we posted just now. This one. It is showing a red flag here because it says, open. Open means this invoice is still not paid yet. Once you make the payment, this light will turn to green. I’ll show it to you later.
Now observe, just observe that this customer has got a balance of 2,000. Let me just post the other document, which is 3,000. Come back here. Anyway, I’m not going to post to that customer B, I’m going to post to customer C. 3000. Sales. Choose sales account. 3,000. Simulate.
I will choose the company code, sorry. Sun, and choose this, sales-laptop. Posted. Customer C has been posted. Just go here. I’m going to check the customer balance, account receivable, account, change to two. All items, see? 3000. It’s posted now.
Okay, now we need to reverse because what we realize is that this sales did not realize, it is wrongly posted. When you want to correct a wrongly posted documents, you have to do reversal. You cannot simply go and delete it. Let me just show you. There’s no option for you to delete the document, you see? Call back the document. This is the document. There’s no option to delete. Even delete is disabled.
Now in order to fix this, let me just find out the document number which is this.
Okay, let me just copy this. In order to copy, you have to press ctrl+y. You can copy this, ctrl+c.
You go here, document reverse, accounting, financial accounting, account receivable, reverse, individual reversal.
Paste the document, Ctrl+v, company code, this, reversal reason, just select, 01 reason.
If you want to display this document before reversal, you can do so, just display here. Okay. This is a wrongly posted document, wrongly posted sales invoice, which you want to cancel. Go back. Come back here. When you save, the document will be reversed. I’m going to show you. Let’s save it. It’s posted.
When you post a reversal document, you will generate another document number for that. That’s why you see the 180002. The original invoice is 180001. Okay, let us display this document here. This is our reversal document, and let me pull out the original invoice.
I can go from here, from here. This is the original invoice.
See the document number here? This is the original invoice. It ends with 1, and the reversal document is 180002.
Let’s check the postings. Go back to the first one. Original invoice is this one. You see the amount here, positive amount, debit to customer C, credit to sales-laptop. Now check the reverse document. You see this reverse document? The postings are made in the reverse way. Credit to customer account and debit to sales-laptop, so that the balances are reversed. The balances of the respective accounts are reversed.
See, once again, I go back. It’s the original invoice. Positive, right? When I go to the reversal document, it will be negative. Reversal. Okay, let me check the account balance now.
Here. Alright. All items. See, originally, this comes from the original invoice, which is 3000. This is the original invoice. This is the reversal document, minus 3000. This minus this becomes zero. The balance has become zero.
And the color here has turned to green because it’s not outstanding anymore. It will show red only if it’s outstanding. Outstanding means a payment has to be made. Now there’s no need to make a payment because it’s already reversed, so that’s why the color has turned to green.
All right. What we have seen is how to correct a wrongly posted document. These are also applicable to general ledger documents. We want to reverse this document because if you think this is wrongly posted, it’s general ledger.
Remember the cash transfer from bank to cash, you have to do it in the same way. You can check the document, and then, come here and do the reversal.
You need to know the document number beforehand. If you don’t know the document number, go here.
Just check here what document you want to reverse. Is that clear? Alright, we have done this. Next, we are going to cover sales returns in the next topic.
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