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Booking and Reverse Accrual/ Deferral Document

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Booking and Reverse Accrual/ Deferral Document

After the journal voucher, we’ll see how to book an Accrual or Deferal document. Now here we’ll use a transaction code FBS1, and the SAP menu path is Financial Accounting, Journal Ledger, Periodic Processing, Closing. Under that, we go to evaluate and click on the FBS1 transaction code.

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So here, after entering this transaction code, we’ll get a screen where we have to maintain the header data. Header data would be company code, document date, posting date, period, type, etc.

Also, we have to maintain the inverse posting details, like reversal reason and the reversal date. So here we’ll maintain the reversal reason as 02, which is reversal in closed period. Since it is the 2008 period which is already closed, we’ll have to maintain that in reversal reason as 02. Then for line items, we have to maintain the posting key and the account information. Here we’ll maintain the posting key and account details in the header data. After this, we’ll maintain the line item details.

So here we have maintained the line item details. This is line item 1 with the posting key and the account and line item 2 with the posting key and the account details. So after maintaining these details, we’ll click on the save button to save this document. This is how we maintain the data for the accrual or reversal document. Now we’ll check for the reverse of the accrual or deferral document. After booking we’ll check for the reversal of this document.

So we’ll go to the transaction code F81, where we’ll provide the company code details, that is the 1000 company code, and we’ll click on the execute button. Now here, by default, the checkbox Test Run and the radio button Process is selected. So we just have to provide the company code details, here the company code is 1000. Then we’ll click on the execute button. And here we’ll get a screen where it contains the details of the client, that is testing client reversal and accrual document details.

So here we have the details for the line items having the company code, fiscal year, document type, posting date, document date, reversal date, etc. And then we’ll click on the reverse document button. So this is how we maintain the reverse, accrual, deferal documents. Now next we’ll see how to maintain the individual reversal.


Now what are Individual Reversals? We use the transaction code FB08 for individual reversals. The menu is SAP Menu, Accounting, Financial Accounting, General Ledger, then Document. Now under Document, we’ll go to Reverse, and under that, we’ll go to transaction code FB08 for individual reversal.

And then we’ll get a screen where we have to provide the values like document number, company code, fiscal year. Now here our fiscal year is 2008.

Then we’ll have to maintain the reversal reason. So for reverse, accrual and deferral document, we have maintained the reason as 02. So here also we’ll maintain the reason as 02 since it is a closed period. And we’ll maintain the posting date for that particular document. So after maintaining these details, we click on the save button. This is how we maintain an individual reversal. Next, we’ll create a sample document using a transaction code F-01.


Now let us see how we create a sample document. So here we’ll go to Reference Documents and we’ll click on F-01 transaction code for creating a sample document.

Now here we’ll create the posting key and the account details.

So first for that, we’ll have to click on the overview button to view the document, and we’ll click on the save button. So this is a creation of a sample document. So we’ll click on the overview button and click on the save button. Then we’ll see how to display that sample document. So after displaying that sample document, we’ll see how to pass that entry in the sample document.


First, let us see what is display sample document. The transaction code is FBM3 for display.

So here we’ll click on Post With Reference. Under that menu Goto. So here after entering the transaction code, we’ll go to Goto and click on Post With Reference.

So once we click here, we’ll get a screen for post document.

So here we’ll provide the document number and the company code along with the fiscal year. And then we’ll press enter. So after that, we’ll get a detail of the posted document.

So here we’ll get a detail of that particular document along with the posting key and the account information for that particular company for posting period 2008. Here, we’ll change the document type as required and we’ll press enter continuously until the following screen appears.

So there we’ll change the document type and will provide the line item details. And finally, we’ll get a screen where we get a debit and credit details as seen. So this is the display view of that posted document.


Next, we’ll see booking of recurring entries. Now here we’ll go to transaction code FBD1 for booking of recurring entries.

Now, here a template can be maintained for entries that are frequently passed each month. Such entries are referred to as recurring entries. As a one time activity, the entry can be maintained and the same can be recalled for each month. Now, details like First Run, Interval Document Type are maintained in the header data. And in line items, we enter the accounts that need to be posted. For the First Run, date from which the first recurring entry is to be carried out. And Last Run On defines the date up till which the final recurring entry is to be carried out. Then we have Interval, which defines the date up until which the final recurring entry is to be carried out. We have Run Date, which defines a calendar day on which the recurring entry is to be carried out. If you do not specify a day, then the calendar day will be entered and the First Run On field is used. Then we have Document Type, which mentions the desired document. And finally, we’ll press enter after providing all these details.

So here in the screen of recurring entries, under Header Data, we’ll maintain all those details, like First Run On, Last Run On, Interval in months, then Run Date, Document Type, and Currency.


Then for line items, we’ll maintain the Posting Key and the Account Details. So these details are maintained for company code 1000. Then we’ll maintain the line item details.

So this is for the first line item, we’ll maintain the cost center detail and the amount for that line item. And then this is the posting account for the next line item.

Now here each line item detail like the posting key and corresponding account code are specified for each line item by specifying the amount. Now in the case of expense accounts, it is mandatory to enter a cost object, like cost center. For internal order, we maintain a profitability segment against that. Here the assignment field can be used similarly to sorting of line items.


This is how we maintain the line item details. Then we’ll click on the simulate button to check the entry and then save the entry after saving the following line items.

Once we save that line items, the following line appears at the bottom of the screen stating the document was stored in company code 1000. So here we have saved 5 documents. And then we can go to documents and click on the display button to see the previous entries.

So this is how we check the documents and the line items.