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Month: February 2025

FI-MM Integration 2

Integration between FI and MM, so I told you that different types of materials will be there material type, ROH, etc. Each material type will be again given a valuation class. Valuation class is a component which is going to make the system to post the accounting entries through this valuation [...]

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FI-MM Integration

So our next topic is integration.  Here, now what is meant by integration? Here integration, if you remember the integration between FI and SD, we have seen. The integration between FI and SD means any invoice that any data that has been generated in sales and distribution module, is going to [...]

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Park Document

Okay, let’s go to the next topic, which is Park Document. Park Document is also something like Hold Document. It is to save a document as a draft during editing, and then, you can continue later. But the only difference is that Park Document will generate a document number, whereas for [...]

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Hold Document

Okay, let’s go to the next topic now, which is hold document. Hold document is like saving draft copy while you’re editing a document when you want to post it if you don’t have certain information, or if you want to have a break, you want to save it as a draft first, you [...]

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